Valentin Link,Kai Müller,Rosaria G. Lena,Kimmo Luoma,François Damanet,Walter T. Strunz,Andrew J. Daley
Abstract:An important challenge in non-Markovian open quantum systems is to understand what information we gain from continuous measurement of an output field. For example, atoms in multimode cavity QED systems provide an exciting platform to study many-body phenomena in regimes where the atoms are strongly coupled amongst themselves and with the cavity, but the strong coupling makes it complicated to infer the conditioned state of the atoms from the output light. In this work we address this problem, describing the reduced atomic state via a conditioned hierarchy of equations of motion, which provides an exact conditioned reduced description under monitoring (and continuous feedback). We utilise this formalism to study how different monitoring for modes of a multimode cavity affects our information gain for an atomic state, and to improve spin squeezing via measurement and feedback in a strong coupling regime. This work opens opportunities to understand continuous monitoring of non-Markovian open quantum systems, both on a practical and fundamental level.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is how to obtain information about the atomic state from the continuously measured output field in a strongly - coupled multimode cavity quantum electrodynamics system. Specifically, the paper focuses on how to infer the atomic state by monitoring the output optical field and further use this information to achieve continuous feedback control of the atomic system in a non - Markovian open quantum system when there is strong coupling between the atom and the cavity mode. This involves two main challenges:
1. **Information extraction**: How to extract effective information about the atomic state from the continuous measurement of the output optical field. Due to the strong coupling between the atom and the cavity mode, it becomes very complicated to directly infer the atomic state from the output optical field.
2. **Description of conditional dynamics**: How to establish an accurate theoretical framework for describing the atomic conditional dynamics under continuous monitoring. This framework needs to be able to handle non - Markovian effects, that is, the evolution of the system depends not only on the current state but also on the past history.
The paper solves the above problems by introducing a new hierarchical equations of motion (HEOM) method. This method can accurately describe the atomic conditional dynamics in the strong - coupling limit and can handle the multimode cavity case. In addition, this method can also be used to optimize quantum control tasks such as spin squeezing, thus providing an effective tool in experiments to study and control many - body quantum systems.
### Main contributions
1. **Accurate description of conditional dynamics**: A conditioned hierarchical equations of motion (cHEOM) is proposed to accurately describe the atomic conditional dynamics under continuous monitoring. This method can handle non - Markovian effects and is applicable to strongly - coupled multimode cavity systems.
2. **Information gain analysis**: Through indicators such as von - Neumann entropy, the influence of different monitoring schemes on the information gain of the atomic state is quantified. This helps to understand the efficiency of different monitoring methods for system information acquisition.
3. **Application examples**: Through specific numerical simulations, it is shown how to use continuous monitoring and feedback to improve spin squeezing, exceeding the results of the traditional adiabatic approximation.
### Mathematical formulas
- **Conditioned hierarchical equations of motion**:
d\rho^{(n,m)}_A=\left(-i[H_A,\rho^{(n,m)}_A]-(w\cdot n + w^*\cdot m)\rho^{(n,m)}_A+\sum_{k = 1}^M\left(g_k^2(n_kL_k\rho^{(n - e_k,m)}_A+m_k\rho^{(n,m - e_k)}_A L_k^\dagger)+[\rho^{(n + e_k,m)}_A,L_k^\dagger]+[L_k,\rho^{(n,m + e_k)}_A]\right)\right)dt+\sum_{k = 1}^M\left(-\sqrt{2\kappa_k}\langle X_k\rangle\rho^{(n,m)}_A+\frac{i}{g_k}\sqrt{2\kappa_k}(\rho^{(n,m + e_k)}_A-\rho^{(n + e_k,m)}_A)\right)dW_k
- **von - Neumann entropy**:
- **Information gain**:
I = S[E[\rho_A]]-E[S[\rho_A]]
### Conclusion
This paper proposes a new theoretical framework for describing the atomic conditional dynamics under continuous monitoring in strongly - coupled multimode cavity systems. This method can not only accurately handle non - Markovian effects but also provides a theoretical basis for achieving efficient quantum control in experiments. Through numerical simulations, the paper shows the effectiveness of this method in tasks such as optimizing spin squeezing.