Deep Learning for the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory
Ian Watson,A. Albert,R. Alfaro,C. Álvarez,Ana De Andrés,Juan Carlos Arteaga Velázquez,Daniel Omar Avila Rojas,Hugo Alberto Ayala Solares,Rishi Babu,E. Belmont-Moreno,Tomás Capistrán Rojas,Seong‐Jae Yun,A. Carramiñana,Fernanda Carreon-Gonzalez,U. Cotti,J. Cotzomi,S. Coutiño de León,Eduardo de la Fuente,Davide Depaoli,Cederik León de León,R. Díaz Hernández,J. C. Díaz-Vélez,B. L. Dingus,Mora Durocher,Michael DuVernois,Kristi Engel,María Catalina Espinoza Hernández,Jason Fan,Ke Fang,N. Fraija,J. A. García-González,F. Garfias,Hazal Goksu,M. M. González,J. A. Goodman,Sam J Groetsch,J. Patrick Harding,Sergio Hernández Cadena,Ian Herzog,J. A. Hinton,B. Hona,Dezhi Huang,Filiberto Hueyotl-Zahuantitla,P. Hüntemeyer,A. Iriarte,Vikas Joshi,S. Kaufmann,D. B. Kieda,A. Lara,Jason LEE,William H. Lee,H. León Vargas,J. T. Linnemann,A. L. Longinotti,G. Luis-Raya,K. Malone,J. Martínez-Castro,John Matthews,P. Miranda-Romagnoli,Jorge Alexis Montes,Jorge Antonio Morales Soto,M. Mostafá,Lukas Nellen,Mehr Nisa,R. Noriega-Papaqui,Laura Olivera-Nieto,N. Omodei,Yunior Pérez Araujo,Pérez,Alvaro Pratts,Chang Dong Rho,D. Rosa‐González,E. Ruiz-Velasco,H. Salazar,Daniel Salazar-Gallegos,A. Sandoval,Michael Schneider,Georg Schwefer,José Serna-Franco,A. J. Smith,Youngwan Son,R.W. Springer,O. Tibolla,K. Tollefson,I. Torres,Ramiro Torres Escobedo,Rhiannon M. Turner,F. Ureña-Mena,Enrique Varela,L. Villaseñor,Xiaojie Wang,Félix Werner,Kara M. Whitaker,E. Willox,Haotian Wu,Hao Zhou,Karen S. Caballero Mora
Abstract:We present the results of applying a transformer-based deep learning neural network to the data from the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory.HAWC observes the extensive air showers produced by very high energy gamma rays, and registers the Cherenkov radiation produced by the shower by photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs) instrumented in 300 large water Cherenkov detectors.The current HAWC method uses a staged parameterized fitting of the PMT information to find the shower center and incoming angular direction of the initiating gamma-ray, and produces variables which can be used for separating showers produced by gamma rays versus the overwhelming cosmic-ray background.The deep learning model, on the other hand, takes the charge and relative timing information of the PMTs as input and directly outputs an estimate of the incoming direction of the initiating gamma ray and a gamma-hadron discriminator.Both tasks are vital for source analysis.Better angular reconstruction allows for better source localization.Improved cosmic-ray rejection improves the signal-to-noise ratio.The deep learning network is found to perform better in simulation than the current methods at lower energies (around several hundred GeV gamma rays) where fewer PMTs are turned on by the shower, and therefore less information is available.