A new spin on Hurwitz theory and ELSV via theta characteristics

Alessandro Giacchetto,Reinier Kramer,Danilo Lewański
Abstract:We study spin Hurwitz numbers, which count ramified covers of the Riemann sphere with a sign coming from a theta characteristic. These numbers are known to be related to Gromov-Witten theory of Kähler surfaces and to representation theory of the Sergeev group, and are generated by BKP tau-functions. We use the latter interpretation to give polynomiality properties of these numbers and we derive a spectral curve which we conjecture computes spin Hurwitz numbers via a new type of topological recursion. We prove that this conjectural topological recursion is equivalent to an ELSV-type formula, expressing spin Hurwitz numbers in terms of the Chiodo class twisted by the $2$-spin Witten class.
Mathematical Physics,Algebraic Geometry,Differential Geometry,Representation Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper aims to explore a new theory called "spin Hurwitz numbers" and its connections with topological recursion and ELSV - type formulas. Specifically: 1. **Research Background**: - The paper first reviews the basic concepts of Hurwitz numbers. These numbers are usually used to count the branched coverings of the Riemann sphere and are related to the representation theory of the symmetric group and Schur functions. - In recent years, the study of Hurwitz numbers has regained attention due to its close connections with the integrable hierarchies of the Kyoto school, the intersection theory of moduli space curves, and topological recursion. 2. **Research Objects**: - This paper pays special attention to a special kind of Hurwitz numbers called "spin Hurwitz numbers". These numbers are characterized by the introduction of a spin structure (or theta - characteristic) on the source surface, and the parity of this theta - characteristic is taken into account during counting. - The spin Hurwitz numbers are defined as follows: \[ h_{g; \mu, \nu}^\vartheta = \sum_{[f]} \frac{(-1)^{p(f)}}{|{\rm Aut}(f)|}, \] where \(p(f)\) is the parity of the twisted pull - back from \(O(-1)\) along \(f\). 3. **Main Results**: - **Polynomial Properties**: The author proves that single - spin Hurwitz numbers are quasi - polynomials, and double - spin Hurwitz numbers are piecewise polynomials, and gives explicit wall - crossing formulas. \[ \text{Theorem 1.1}: \text{Single - spin Hurwitz numbers are quasi - polynomials; double - spin Hurwitz numbers are piecewise polynomials with explicit wall - crossing formulas.} \] - **Topological Recursion**: The author proposes a conjectured spectral curve, which generates single - spin Hurwitz numbers through topological recursion. \[ \text{Conjecture 1.3}: \text{For positive even } r, \text{the spectral curve } (\Sigma, x, y, B) \text{ is given by } \Sigma=\mathbb{P}^1, x(z)=\log(z)-z^r, y(z) = z, B(z_1, z_2)=\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{1}{(z_1 - z_2)^2}+\frac{1}{(z_1 + z_2)^2}\right)dz_1 dz_2 \text{ and generates single - spin Hurwitz numbers } h_{g; \mu}^\vartheta \text{ through topological recursion.} \] - **ELSV - type Formula**: The author proves that the above conjecture is equivalent to an ELSV - type formula, which represents spin Hurwitz numbers as the twist of Chiodo cohomology field theory and 2 - spin Witten classes. \[ \text{Theorem 1.7}: \text{Conjecture 1.3 is equivalent to } h_{g; \mu}^\vartheta = 2^{1 - g}r^{2g - 2 + n + b}\left(\prod_{i = 1}^n\frac{(\mu_i/r)[\mu_i]}{[\mu_i]!}\right)\int_{\hat{M}_{g,n}}C_\vartheta(r, 1; \langle\mu\rangle)\prod_{i = 1}^n\left(1-\frac{\mu_i}{r}\psi_i\right), \] where \(n = \ell(\mu)\), \(b=(2g - 2 + n+|\mu|)/r\), \(\mu_i = r[\mu_i]+r-(2\langle\mu_i\rangle + 1)\), \(C_\vartheta\)