A fast solver for elastic scattering from axisymmetric objects by boundary integral equations

Jun Lai,Heping Dong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2104.03473
Abstract:Fast and high-order accurate algorithms for three dimensional elastic scattering are of great importance when modeling physical phenomena in mechanics, seismic imaging, and many other fields of applied science. In this paper, we develop a novel boundary integral formulation for the three dimensional elastic scattering based on the Helmholtz decomposition of elastic fields, which converts the Navier equation to a coupled system consisted of Helmholtz and Maxwell equations. An FFT-accelerated separation of variables solver is proposed to efficiently invert boundary integral formulations of the coupled system for elastic scattering from axisymmetric rigid bodies. In particular, by combining the regularization properties of the singular boundary integral operators and the FFT-based fast evaluation of modal Green's functions, our numerical solver can rapidly solve the resulting integral equations with a high-order accuracy. Several numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed algorithm, including geometries with corners at different wave number.
Numerical Analysis
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the fast and high - precision numerical solution of the three - dimensional elastic scattering problem, especially its application on axisymmetric objects. Specifically, the paper mainly focuses on the elastic scattering problem of time - harmonic incident waves caused by rigid obstacles in a homogeneous isotropic elastic medium. To achieve this goal, the author proposes a novel method based on the boundary integral equation, and transforms the Navier equation into a coupled Helmholtz and Maxwell equation system through Helmholtz decomposition. ### Core Problems and Solutions in the Paper 1. **Problem Description**: - **Physical Background**: The elastic scattering phenomenon is of great significance in many scientific fields such as mechanics and seismic imaging. - **Mathematical Model**: It studies the elastic scattering problem of time - harmonic incident waves by a three - dimensional rigid obstacle embedded in a homogeneous isotropic elastic medium. The governing equation is the Navier equation. - **Boundary Conditions**: The surface of the obstacle satisfies the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition (i.e., the displacement is zero). - **Radiation Conditions**: The scattering field needs to satisfy the Kupradze radiation condition to ensure the well - posedness of the problem. 2. **Solutions**: - **Helmholtz Decomposition**: Decompose the elastic scattering field into two potential functions - a scalar potential function and a vector potential function. The scalar potential function satisfies the Helmholtz equation, and the vector potential function satisfies the Maxwell equation. - **Boundary Integral Equation**: Using the single - layer potential representation of the potential functions, derive a coupled integral equation system containing four singular boundary operators. - **Regularization Treatment**: Study the regularization properties of two Cauchy - type singular operators, simplify them into weakly singular operators, so as to facilitate numerical discretization. - **Fast Algorithm**: Propose a variable - separation solver based on FFT for efficiently solving the elastic scattering problem of axisymmetric objects. This algorithm combines FFT acceleration and the fast calculation of modal Green functions, and can significantly improve the computational efficiency while maintaining high precision. ### Main Contributions of the Paper 1. **Novel Integral Formula**: Based on Helmholtz decomposition, a new boundary integral formula is proposed, which transforms the complex Navier equation into a relatively simple Helmholtz and Maxwell equation system. 2. **Regularization of Singular Operators**: Discover the regularization properties of singular integral operators, simplifying the complexity of numerical calculations. 3. **Efficient Numerical Method**: Develop a fast and high - precision discretization scheme, especially suitable for the elastic scattering problem of axisymmetric objects, and can obtain good computational results in both low - frequency and high - frequency cases. ### Conclusion By introducing Helmholtz decomposition and FFT acceleration techniques, this paper successfully solves the computational problems in the three - dimensional elastic scattering problem, especially providing an efficient and accurate numerical solution method for the scattering problem of axisymmetric objects. This not only helps to improve the simulation accuracy of elastic scattering problems, but also provides strong support for practical applications in related fields.