Limit Theorems for Generalized Excited Random Walks in time-inhomogeneous Bernoulli environment
Rodrigo B. Alves,Giulio Iacobelli,Glauco Valle,Leonel Zuaznábar
Abstract:We study a variant of the Generalized Excited Random Walk (GERW) on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ introduced by Menshikov, Popov, Ramírez and Vachkovskaia in [Ann. Probab. 40 (5), 2012]. It consists in a particular version of the model studied in [arXiv preprint <a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="2211.05715" href="">arXiv:2211.05715</a>, 2022] where excitation may or may not occur according to a time-dependent probability. Specifically, given $\{p_n\}_{n \ge 1}$, $p_n \in (0, 1]$ for all $n \ge 1$, whenever the process visits a site at time $n$ for the first time, with probability $p_n$ it gains a drift in a determined direction. Otherwise, it behaves as a $d$-martingale with zero-mean vector. We refer to the model as a GERW in time-inhomogeneous Bernoulli environment, in short, $p_n$-GERW.
Under bounded jumps hypothesis and with $p_n \approx n^{-\beta}$, $\beta \geq 1/2$, we show a series of results for the $p_n$-GERW depending on the value of $\beta$ and on the dimension. Specifically, for $\beta > 1/2$, $d\geq 2$ and $\beta=1/2$ and $d=2$ we obtain a Functional Central Limit Theorem. Finally, for $\beta=1/2$ and $d \ge 22$ we obtain that the diffusively rescaled $p_n$-GERW is tight, and every limit point $\mathcal{Y}$ satisfies $W_t \cdot \ell + c_1 \sqrt{t} \preceq \mathcal{Y}_t \cdot \ell \preceq W_t \cdot \ell + c_2 \sqrt{t}$, where $c_1$ and $c_2$ are known positive constants, $W_{\cdot}$ is a Brownian motion and $\ell$ is the direction of the drift.