Spin-lattice couplings in $3d$ ferromagnets: analysis from first-principles
I. P. Miranda,M. Pankratova,M. Weißenhofer,A. B. Klautau,D. Thonig,M. Pereiro,E. Sjöqvist,A. Delin,M. I. Katsnelson,O. Eriksson,A. Bergman
Abstract:Magnetoelasticity plays a crucial role in numerous magnetic phenomena, including magnetocalorics, magnon excitation via acoustic waves, and ultrafast demagnetization/Einstein-de Haas effect. Despite a long-standing discussion on anisotropy-mediated magnetoelastic interactions of relativistic origin, including \textit{ab-initio} calculations, the exchange-mediated magnetoelastic parameters within an atomistic framework have only recently begun to be investigated. As a result, many of their behaviors and values for real materials remain poorly understood. Therefore, by using a proposed simple modification of the embedded cluster approach that reduces the computational complexity, we critically analyze the properties of exchange-mediated spin-lattice coupling parameters for elemental $3d$ ferromagnets (bcc Fe, fcc Ni, and fcc Co), comparing methods used for their extraction and relating their realistic values to symmetry considerations and orbitally-decomposed contributions. Additionally, we investigate the effects of noncollinearity (spin temperature) and applied pressure on these parameters. For Fe, we find that single-site rotations, associated with spin temperatures around $\sim100$ K, induce significant modifications, particularly in Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-type couplings; in contrast, such interactions in Co and Ni remain almost configuration independent. Moreover, we demonstrate a notable change in the exchange-mediated magnetoelastic constants for Fe under isostatic compression. Finally, the conversion between atomistic, quantum-mechanically derived parameters and the phenomenological magnetoelastic theory is discussed, which can be an useful tool towards larger and more realistic dynamics simulations involving coupled subsystems.
Materials Science