Eurocentrism and the Critique of "universal World History": the Eastern Origins of Western Civilization
Michael A. Peters
Abstract:1. 'Universal Human History' and The Critique of Historical ReasonDipesh Chakrabatty (2000), Bengali historian, in Provincializing Europe begins his account by maintaining Historians have long acknowledged that so-called 'European age' in modem history began to yield place to other regional and global configurations toward middle of twentieth century. European history is no longer seen as embodying anything like history' (p. 3). He suggests however that is impossible to think anywhere without rule by modem institutions of state, bureaucracy and capitalist enterprise that together invoke a deeper set of concepts such as citizenship, state, civil society, public sphere, rights, equality before law, individual, distinctions between public and private, idea of subject, democracy, popular sovereignty, social justice, scientific rationality (p. 4) which all together bear imprint of European thought and history. He argues that these concepts entail una voidable... universal and secular vision of human (p. 4) even if Enlightenment humanism they articulated was contradicted in practice and experience of European colonization. The vision has now become global although there are no guarantees that this European humanist legacy, basically infrastructure of liberal modernity, with increasing global dominance of China, India and Brazil, will carry through intact into twenty-first century.Chakrabatty (2000) claims that European intellectual tradition is the only one alive in social science departments of ... modem universities (p. 4) and softens this claim by acknowledging that such a tradition has been justifiably criticized by likes of Martin Bemal and Samir Amin as in some sense a fabrication of a pure, unbroken and even exclusively European tradition. Imperfect though it may be and open to criticism on various counts, it is tradition that social scientists today find themselves inserted within and machinery - concepts, methods and theories of modem social science - are indissoluably linked to liberal political modernity. It is as though we social scientists could not think or proceed otherwise even if framework itself is still inadequate in coming to terms with concepts and categories that still bear metaphysical traces of a confident European universalism that purports to speak for world.Chakrabatty (2003) expresses point:The normative pictures of a modem society that I carry inside my head are, typically and necessarily, European or Western in origin. I think through an intellectual tradition in which one is able to spell out, at least in principle, broad constitution of a just social order on an a priori basis (Marx on Gotha program and Rawls on justice would be examples of this). I use this blueprint to critique existing inequities. Yet I recognize that there are political imaginations shaping popular politics all over world today that escape or exceed our normative understanding of political. These imaginations belong neither to Left nor to Right. But they have global implications for governance all over world.In this context he mentions critiques of historicism of both poststructuralist (Foucault) and postcolonial in orientation. It was a certain kind of Hegelian historicism was instrumental in forming a world history based on a notion of developmentalism, picturing Europe (and then America) on basis of an ideology of progress as yardstick of late capitalism.The critique of historicism is for Foucault simultaneously critique of historical reason. In a broad sense this critique involves first an historicizing move - an historicizing of Kant's universal categories and an emphasis on a kind of radical contingency alerting us to idea that things could have happened differently. Foucault's critique was also in tune with poststructuralist tendency to reject Enlightenment project of modernity and universalizing grand narratives springing from nineteenth German historiography that projected a Eurocentric vision and teleology on an emerging world history. …