Effect of Honeydew Excreted by Rhodococcus Sariuoni on Infection Ability of Verticillium Lecanii
XUE Jiaoliang,PENG Guoliang,XIE Yingping,ZHANG Yanfeng,HAN Zhenzhen
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3724/sp.j.1145.2010.00504
Abstract:Scale insects(Rhodococcus sariuoni Borchsenius)(Hemiptera:Coccidae)usually excrete large amount of honeydew when eating and developing.In this paper,the effect of the excreted honeydew on the infection ability of entomopathogenic fungi [Verticillium lecanii(Zimmermann)GamsZare]was studied for better use of entomopathogenic fungi to control scale insects. The honeydew in the experiment was collected in April,2007 from the female body surface of R.sariuoni in an apple orchard in Taiyuan,Shanxi Province,China.The chemical components of the honeydew were determined using chemical analysis and amino acid automatic analyzer.The honeydew was diluted into five concentrations of 10%,20%,30%,40% and 50%.Two V. lecanii strains,No.3.4504 and No.3.4505,were cultured in these honeydew solutions,respectively to compare their extracellular protease and chitinase activities.The results showed that the honeydew of R.sariuoni contained 69% soluble sugar,26% water and 18 amino acids.Strain No.3.4504 showed that the maximum value of its protease activity,(4.45±0.18)U/mL,cultured in the 10% honeydew solution,while in other 4 honeydew solutions,its protease activities decreased with increasing of honeydew concentrations.Comparatively,the value of strain No.3.4505 was higher,(8.5±0.71)U/mL,in 20% honeydew solution.Then, its protease activity went down with increasing of honeydew concentration.The chitinase activities of the two strains appeared a similar variation trend and their maximum activities all appeared when cultured with 10% honeydew solution.Four kinds of amino acids,Ala,Met,Gly and Pro were respectively added in the culture medium to test their effects on the protease activity of the entomopathogenic fungi.The results indicated that the addition of Met made the protease activities of the two strains increased by 256.9% and 215.7%,respectively,which showed that the honeydew at lower concentrations and appropriate Met in the culture medium could promote the infection of V.lecanii to the host scale insects.Fig 3,Tab 3,Ref 14