Physical therapy in patients with Parkinson′s disease treated with Deep Brain Stimulation: a Delphi panel study

Matteo Guidetti,Sara Marceglia,Tommaso Bocci,Ryan Duncan,Alfonso Fasano,Kelly D. Foote,Clement Hamani,Joachim Krauss,Andrea A. Kühn,Francesco Lena,Patricia Limousin,Andres M. Lozano,Natale V. Maiorana,Nicola Modugno,Elena Moro,Micheal S Okun,Serena Oliveri,Marco Santilli,Alfons Schnitzler,Yasin Temel,Lars Timmermann,Veerle Visser-Vandewalle,Jens Volkmann,Alberto Priori
Abstract:Although deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN–DBS) induces motor benefits in people with Parkinson′s disease (PwPD), the size and duration of the effects of STN–DBS on motor axial (e.g., postural instability, trunk posture alterations) and gait impairments (e.g., freezing of gait – FOG) are still ambiguous. Physical therapy (PT) effectively complements pharmacological treatment to improve postural stability, gait performance, and other dopamine–resistant symptoms (e.g. festination, hesitation, axial motor dysfunctions, and FOG) in PwPD who are non–surgically treated. Despite the potential for positive adjuvant effects of PT following STN–DBS surgery, there is a paucity of science available on the topic. In such a scenario, gathering the opinion and expertise of leading investigators worldwide was pursued to study motor rehabilitation in PwPD following STN-DBS. After summarizing the few available findings through a systematic review, we identified clinical and academically experienced DBS clinicians (n=21) to discuss the challenges related to PT following STN–DBS. A 5–point Likert scale questionnaire was used and based on the results of the systematic review along with a Delphi method. Thirty–nine questions were submitted to the panel – half related to general considerations on PT following STN-DBS, half related to PT treatments. Despite the low–to–moderate quality, the few available rehabilitative studies suggested that PT could improve dynamic and static balance, gait performance and posture. Similarly, panellists strongly agreed that PT might help in improving motor symptoms and quality of life, and it may be possibly prescribed to maximize the effects of the stimulation. The experts agreed that physical therapists could be part of the multidisciplinary team taking care of the patients. Also, they agreed on prescribing of conventional PT, but not massage or manual therapy. Our results will inform the rehabilitation and the DBS community to engage, publish and deepen this area of research. Such efforts may spark guidelines for PT following STN–DBS.
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