Observations on General Metabolism and the Blood in Gout
C Peter N Watson
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.1.2036.10
British Medical Journal
Abstract:and offend valuable clients by running counter to their political views. I am proud to say that there are not a few who, regardless of self-interest and the absorbing claims of practice, do take their full share in political life, but the great bulk of the rank and file must content themselves with quiet work behind the scenes, talking, and defining and instructing, and eventually convincing; and then the M.P. will see that he had better join them, and he will bring his pressure to bear on his Government, and these in their turn will see that the time is ripe for action, that they will be backed up by public opinion outside, as well as by their supporters inside, and so the deed will be done. Of course, scattered as we are, we could not do anything really prat-tical without rallying points and centres of organisation and co-ordination, which knit our forces together, and enable us to march in compact mass to fiaht our social battles; and this we find ready made in our Association, which, by its Branches and Councils and Committees, and influential annual meetings, gives us just the binding force we need, and which has used its influlence and power with ;great skill and discretion in shaping and helping legislation, instructing members of Parliament, and showing Governments that the time has come for carrying out useful measures of social reform, and that it would not be wise or -even safe to resist any -longer the popular demand; and finally, I think we should be a little more aggressive. By this I mean that we should not let the propagation of heresies and fallacies go on without effective public protest when -active organisations send plausible emissaries about the country to denounce vaccination and vivisection, some wellinstructed person should be there to explode their fallacies and refute their arguments, and'we see with satisfaction how on some of these occasions a brave and clever doctor has turned the meeting round in his favour, so that those who came to curse remained to pray. Mr. Chaplin had some sensible observations of this point in his speech the other day. He said, "The Antivaccination League was a strong body, and there was nothing like it on the other side. If the people in England were in earnest in favour of vaccination, why did they not start a body to explode the fallacies of that emall body of opponents who disseminated all manner of stuff in towns and villages, without there being anything to counteract it, so that it had a very bad effect on the poorer and less informed of the inhabitants." In this connection you will probably remember that on the occasion at Woodside, when a distinguished pathologist and -an able and respected journalist came to preach antivaccination at Woodside, they were met on the platform by Dr. Beveridge, who did not let them have it all their own way, and sent them home probably sadder if not wiser men. Now, gentlemen, I must pull up my wanderings over the wide field of speculation and inquiry which stretches out before us. Many important questions concerning your interest, medical reform and others, are in the air, and will ,some day be sufficiently condensed for practical discussion. When they come before us we shall consider them on their merits, without precipitate zeal on the one hand, or overcaution ion the other. In the end truth, as usual, will prevail, and good will have been done to ourselves, to the profession, and to the general public at large.