Iron deficiency causes aspartate-sensitive metabolic and proliferative dysfunction in CD8+ T cells
Megan R. Teh,Nancy Gudgeon,Joe N. Frost,Linda V. Sinclair,Alastair L. Smith,Christopher L. Millington,Barbara Kronsteiner,Jennie Roberts,Bryan P. Marzullo,Alexandra E. Preston,Jan Rehwinkel,Thomas A. Milne,Daniel A. Tennant,Susanna J. Dunachie,Andrew E. Armitage,Sarah Dimeloe,Hal Drakesmith
Abstract:Iron is an irreplaceable co-factor for metabolism. Iron deficiency affects >1 billion people, causing symptoms including anaemia and impaired immunity. Nevertheless, precisely how iron deprivation impacts immune cell function remains poorly characterised. We therefore interrogated how physiologically low iron availability affected activated CD8+ T cell metabolism and function, using multi-omic and metabolic labelling approaches. Iron limitation profoundly stalled proliferation without influencing cell viability, altered histone methylation status and disrupted mitochondrial membrane potential. Consistently, metabolism of glucose and glutamine in the TCA cycle was limited, indeed TCA cycle activity was partially reversed to a reductive trajectory. Previous studies have shown mitochondria-derived aspartate is crucial for proliferation of transformed cells. Surprisingly, we found aspartate was increased in stalled iron deficient CD8+ T-cells, but was not utilised cytosolically for nucleotide synthesis, likely due to trapping within depolarised mitochondria. Conversely, exogenous aspartate, which directly accesses the cytosol, markedly rescued the clonal expansion of even severely iron-deficient CD8+ T-cells. Overall, iron scarcity creates a mitochondrial-located metabolic bottleneck impairing T-cells, which can be bypassed by resupplying inhibited biochemical processes with aspartate. These findings reveal molecular consequences of iron deficiency for CD8+ T cell function, providing mechanistic insight into the basis for immune impairment during iron deficiency.