The Ca2+‐activated Cl− channel TMEM16B shapes the response time course of olfactory sensory neurons
Johannes Reisert,Simone Pifferi,Giorgia Guarneri,Chiara Ricci,Anna Menini,Michele Dibattista
The Journal of Physiology
Abstract:figure legend Odorant signal transduction transforms a chemical signal into an electrical one within the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). This process begins with the activation of an odorant receptor and culminates in the activation of cyclic nucleotide‐gated (CNG) channels, facilitating Na+ and Ca2+ influx. Subsequently, Ca2+ activates chloride channels (TMEM16B), further depolarizing the cell. While CNG and TMEM16B channels together generate the overall response, they control distinct aspects of it. CNG channels manage response delay and adaptation to odorant exposure, while TMEM16B amplifies the response and influences the time needed to reach peak and termination. OSNs lacking TMEM16B exhibit quicker response termination, enhancing their ability to fire action potentials during rapid, repeated odorant stimuli. Thus, CNG and TMEM16B channels have unique yet complementary roles in determining the kinetics and reliability of odorant‐induced responses in OSNs. Created with Mammalian olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) generate an odorant‐induced response by sequentially activating two ion channels, which are in their ciliary membranes. First, a cationic, Ca2+‐permeable cyclic nucleotide‐gated channel is opened following odorant stimulation via a G protein‐coupled transduction cascade and an ensuing rise in cAMP. Second, the increase in ciliary Ca2+ opens the excitatory Ca2+‐activated Cl− channel TMEM16B, which carries most of the odorant‐induced receptor current. While the role of TMEM16B in amplifying the response has been well established, it is less understood how this secondary ion channel contributes to response kinetics and action potential generation during single as well as repeated stimulation and, on the other hand, which response properties the cyclic nucleotide‐gated (CNG) channel determines. We first demonstrate that basic membrane properties such as input resistance, resting potential and voltage‐gated currents remained unchanged in OSNs that lack TMEM16B. The CNG channel predominantly determines the response delay and adaptation during odorant exposure, while the absence of the Cl− channels shortens both the time the response requires to reach its maximum and the time to terminate after odorant stimulation. This faster response termination in Tmem16b knockout OSNs allows them, somewhat counterintuitively despite the large reduction in receptor current, to fire action potentials more reliably when stimulated repeatedly in rapid succession, a phenomenon that occurs both in isolated OSNs and in OSNs within epithelial slices. Thus, while the two olfactory ion channels act in concert to generate the overall response, each one controls specific aspects of the odorant‐induced response. Key points Mammalian olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) generate odorant‐induced responses by activating two ion channels sequentially in their ciliary membranes: a Na+, Ca2+‐permeable cyclic nucleotide‐gated (CNG) channel and the Ca2+‐activated Cl− channel TMEM16B. The CNG channel controls response delay and adaptation during odorant exposure, while TMEM16B amplifies the response and influences the time required for the response to reach its peak and terminate. OSNs lacking TMEM16B display faster response termination, allowing them to fire action potentials more reliably during rapid repeated stimulation. The CNG and TMEM16B channels have distinct and complementary roles in shaping the kinetics and reliability of odorant‐induced responses in OSNs.