Title: Housing instability among young men who have sex with men in a US national sample

Amanda Sisselman-Borgia,Viraj V Patel,Christian Grov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.09.24307116
Abstract:Background: Youth, including those experiencing housing instability, are among the fastest growing groups of individuals with new STI diagnoses, including HIV. The unpredictable nature of the lives of youth experiencing housing instability often leads to inconsistent or non-existent health care and preventive follow up, leaving gaps in our knowledge about the most prominent needs for intervention. Methods: Using data from the Together 5000 (T5K) study, we examined factors associated with housing instability in a sample of 2,228 youth between the ages of 16-24 who identified as sexual and gender minority (SGM) men having sex with men. Logistic regression was used to assess the most prominent factors associated with housing instability. The model included seven significant factors - former peer victimization, gender, age, sex work, IPV, social support, and health insurance status. Findings: Participants who reported more behavioral risk factors for STI and those who reported sex work in the last three months were more likely to experience housing instability (OR = 2.5 and 2.76 respectively). Youth with higher levels of reported social support, health insurance, and older age were more likely to report stable housing (OR = .98, 1.61, and 1.13 respectively). Surprisingly, youth with stable housing were more likely to report intimate partner violence than those experiencing housing instability (OR = .89). Discussion: Implications for addressing STIs among adolescent SGM men having sex with men are discussed including bolstering support systems and addressing basic needs deficits and trauma associated with sex work and behavioral risk factors for STI.
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