A model for the E3 fusion-convolution product of constructible sheaves on the affine Grassmannian

Guglielmo Nocera
Abstract:Let $G$ be a complex reductive group. The spherical Hecke category of $G$ can be presented as the category of $G_{\mathcal O}$-equivariant constructible sheaves on the affine Grassmannian $\mathrm{Gr}_G$. This category admits a convolution product, extending the convolution product in the Satake category. In this paper, we upgrade the mentioned convolution product to an $\mathbb E_3$-monoidal structure in $\infty$-categories. The construction is intrinsic, in the sense that it is not performed by pullback from the spectral side of the Derived Satake Theorem by Bezrukavnikov and Finkelberg. We use classical properties of the Beilinson-Drinfeld Grassmannian, Lurie's characterization of $\mathbb E_k$-algebras via the topological Ran space, Gaitsgory and Rozenblyum's formalism of correspondences and the homotopy theory of stratified spaces.
Algebraic Geometry
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to extend the convolution product structure of GO - equivariant constructible sheaves constructed on the affine Grassmannian to the ∞ - category and upgrade it to an /Ebbb3 - algebraic structure. Specifically, the goals of the paper are: 1. **Extension of the convolution product**: Extend the convolution product of equivariant constructible sheaves from the finite category to the ∞ - category, especially for the bounded - derived ∞ - category \( \text{Cons}_{\text{fd}}^{G(\mathcal{O})}(\text{Gr}_G, R) \) of GO - equivariant constructible sheaves of the complex reductive group \( G \). 2. **Lifting to an /Ebbb3 - algebra**: Lift the above - mentioned convolution product structure to an /Ebbb3 - algebraic structure, that is, define an /Ebbb3 - monad structure in the ∞ - category. This makes the category have richer algebraic properties and can better describe and study related geometric and representation - theoretic problems. ### Main contributions of the paper 1. **Theorem 1.1**: For a complex reductive group \( G \) and a ring \( R \) (such as a finite ring or an algebraic extension), there exists an object \( \text{Sph}(G)_{\text{loc.c}, \otimes} \in \text{Alg}_{\mathbb{E}_3}(\text{Cat}_\infty^{\times, R}) \) whose underlying ∞ - category is \( \text{Cons}_{\text{fd}}^{G(\mathcal{O})}(\text{Gr}_G, R) \). 2. **Corollary 1.2**: Under the same setting, there also exists an object \( \text{Sph}(G)_{\text{ren}, \otimes} \in \text{Alg}_{\mathbb{E}_3}(\text{Pr}_{L, \otimes}^R) \) whose underlying ∞ - category is \( \text{Sph}(G)_{\text{ren}}=\text{Ind}(\text{Sph}(G)_{\text{loc.c}}) \). 3. **Theorem 1.3**: For a complex reductive group \( G \) and a commutative ring \( R \), there exists an object \( \text{Sph}(G)_\otimes \in \text{Alg}_{\mathbb{E}_3}(\text{Pr}_{R, \otimes}^R) \) whose underlying ∞ - category is \( \text{Cons}_{G(\mathcal{O})}^{\text{an}}(\text{Gr}_G^{\text{an}}, R) \). ### Motivation and background The motivation of the paper comes from the Geometric Satake Equivalence, which is an important representation - theoretic result that establishes an equivalence between the category of equivariant sheaves and the category of finite - dimensional representations of the Langlands dual group. By lifting the convolution product structure to an /Ebbb3 - algebraic structure, the paper provides a new perspective and tools for this equivalence. ### Methods and techniques The paper uses a variety of modern mathematical tools and techniques, including: - **Beilinson - Drinfeld Grassmannian**: Provides a global version of the convolution diagram. - **Stratified homotopy theory**: Used to deal with constructible sheaves on stratified spaces. - **Correspondence form**: Used to define and study the convolution product structure. - **Topological factorization algebra**: Utilizes Lurie's factorization algebra theory to establish the required algebraic structure. Through these methods, the paper successfully constructs an intrinsic /Ebbb3 - algebraic structure that does not depend on the pull - back on the spectral side, laying the foundation for further research in related fields.