Abstract:Let $k$ be a perfect field of characteristic $p>2$, $R := W(k)[\![t_1, \dots, t_d]\!]$ be the power series ring over the Witt vectors, and $X$ be a smooth proper scheme over $R$. The main goal of this article is to extend classical Fontaine-Messing theory to the setting where the base ring is $R$. In particular, we obtain comparison theorems between torsion crystalline cohomology of $X/R$ and torsion étale cohomology in this setting.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to extend the classical Fontaine - Messing theory to the case where the base ring is the power series ring \(R = W(k)[[t_1,\ldots,t_d]]\). Specifically, the author hopes to obtain a comparison theorem between the torsion crystalline cohomology and the torsion étale cohomology of \(X/R\) in this new framework.
### Background and Problem Description of the Paper
#### Review of the Classical Fontaine - Messing Theory
The classical Fontaine - Messing theory mainly studies the relationship between the torsion crystalline cohomology and the torsion étale cohomology of a smooth, proper scheme \(X\) over a perfect field \(k\) with characteristic \(p>2\). Specifically, for a smooth, proper \(W(k)\)-scheme \(X\), the classical theory establishes the following results:
- For \(i\leq p - 1\), \((H^i_{\text{cris}}(X_n/W_n(k)),\{H^i_{\text{cris}}(X_n/W_n(k),J[j]_{X_n/W_n(k)})\},\phi_j)\) is a Fontaine - Laffaille module over \(W(k)\).
- For \(i\leq p - 2\), there exists a natural \(G_K\)-isomorphism \(T_{\text{cris}}(M_i)\simeq H^i_{\text{ét}}(X_K,\mathbb{Z}/p^n\mathbb{Z})\).
#### Extension to the Power Series Ring
The main objective of this paper is to generalize the above theory to a smooth, proper scheme \(X\) over the power series ring \(R = W(k)[[t_1,\ldots,t_d]]\). Specifically, the author hopes to prove the following results:
1. For \(i\leq p - 2\), \((H^i_{\text{cris}}(X_n/R_n),\{H^i_{\text{cris}}(X_n/R_n,J[j]_{X_n/R_n})\},\phi_j,\nabla)\) is a Fontaine - Laffaille module over \(R_n\).
2. For \(i\leq p - 2\), there exists a natural \(G_R\)-isomorphism \(T_{\text{cris}}(M_i)\simeq H^i_{\text{ét}}(X_R[1/p],\mathbb{Z}/p^n\mathbb{Z})\).
### Solution
To achieve this goal, the author introduces some new techniques and concepts:
- **Frobenius Map**: Define the Frobenius map \(\phi\) on \(R\) as \(\phi(t_i)=(1 + t_i)^p-1\).
- **Relative Period Ring**: Construct the relative period ring \(A_{\text{cris}}(R)\) and endow it with a filtration and a Frobenius structure.
- **Fontaine - Laffaille Module**: Define the Fontaine - Laffaille module over \(R_n\) and prove its basic properties.
- **Comparison Theorem**: By reducing to the classical case (i.e., \(R_g\) and \(W(k)\)), use the results of the classical Fontaine - Messing theory to establish a new comparison theorem.
### Applications
The applications of this work include:
- Understanding the complete action of \(G_R\) on the torsion étale cohomology.
- Proving the local invariant cycle theorem.
- Exploring the isomorphism relationship between the torsion étale cohomology and the crystalline cohomology in some special cases.
In summary, this paper aims to generalize the classical Fontaine - Messing theory to a broader base ring.