Relative Fontaine-Messing theory over power series rings

Tong Liu,Yong Suk Moon,Deepam Patel
Abstract:Let $k$ be a perfect field of characteristic $p>2$, $R := W(k)[\![t_1, \dots, t_d]\!]$ be the power series ring over the Witt vectors, and $X$ be a smooth proper scheme over $R$. The main goal of this article is to extend classical Fontaine-Messing theory to the setting where the base ring is $R$. In particular, we obtain comparison theorems between torsion crystalline cohomology of $X/R$ and torsion étale cohomology in this setting.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to extend the classical Fontaine - Messing theory to the case where the base ring is the power series ring \(R = W(k)[[t_1,\ldots,t_d]]\). Specifically, the author hopes to obtain a comparison theorem between the torsion crystalline cohomology and the torsion étale cohomology of \(X/R\) in this new framework. ### Background and Problem Description of the Paper #### Review of the Classical Fontaine - Messing Theory The classical Fontaine - Messing theory mainly studies the relationship between the torsion crystalline cohomology and the torsion étale cohomology of a smooth, proper scheme \(X\) over a perfect field \(k\) with characteristic \(p>2\). Specifically, for a smooth, proper \(W(k)\)-scheme \(X\), the classical theory establishes the following results: - For \(i\leq p - 1\), \((H^i_{\text{cris}}(X_n/W_n(k)),\{H^i_{\text{cris}}(X_n/W_n(k),J[j]_{X_n/W_n(k)})\},\phi_j)\) is a Fontaine - Laffaille module over \(W(k)\). - For \(i\leq p - 2\), there exists a natural \(G_K\)-isomorphism \(T_{\text{cris}}(M_i)\simeq H^i_{\text{ét}}(X_K,\mathbb{Z}/p^n\mathbb{Z})\). #### Extension to the Power Series Ring The main objective of this paper is to generalize the above theory to a smooth, proper scheme \(X\) over the power series ring \(R = W(k)[[t_1,\ldots,t_d]]\). Specifically, the author hopes to prove the following results: 1. For \(i\leq p - 2\), \((H^i_{\text{cris}}(X_n/R_n),\{H^i_{\text{cris}}(X_n/R_n,J[j]_{X_n/R_n})\},\phi_j,\nabla)\) is a Fontaine - Laffaille module over \(R_n\). 2. For \(i\leq p - 2\), there exists a natural \(G_R\)-isomorphism \(T_{\text{cris}}(M_i)\simeq H^i_{\text{ét}}(X_R[1/p],\mathbb{Z}/p^n\mathbb{Z})\). ### Solution To achieve this goal, the author introduces some new techniques and concepts: - **Frobenius Map**: Define the Frobenius map \(\phi\) on \(R\) as \(\phi(t_i)=(1 + t_i)^p-1\). - **Relative Period Ring**: Construct the relative period ring \(A_{\text{cris}}(R)\) and endow it with a filtration and a Frobenius structure. - **Fontaine - Laffaille Module**: Define the Fontaine - Laffaille module over \(R_n\) and prove its basic properties. - **Comparison Theorem**: By reducing to the classical case (i.e., \(R_g\) and \(W(k)\)), use the results of the classical Fontaine - Messing theory to establish a new comparison theorem. ### Applications The applications of this work include: - Understanding the complete action of \(G_R\) on the torsion étale cohomology. - Proving the local invariant cycle theorem. - Exploring the isomorphism relationship between the torsion étale cohomology and the crystalline cohomology in some special cases. In summary, this paper aims to generalize the classical Fontaine - Messing theory to a broader base ring.