Superconducting Order from Local Disorder
Aifeng Wang,E. Stavitski,M. Naamneh,V. Ivanovski,M. Abeykoon,A. Milosavljević,W. Brito,A. Baum,J. Jandke,Q. Du,N. Lazarević,Yu Liu,N. Plumb,G. Kotliar,R. Hackl,Z. Popović,M. Radović,K. Attenkofer,C. Petrovic
Abstract:In all Fe superconductors the maximal $T_c$ correlates with the average anion height above the Fe plane, i.e. with the geometry of the FeAs$_4$ or FeCh$_4$ (Ch = Te, Se, S) tetrahedron. By synthesizing FeSe$_{1-x}$S$_x$ (0 $\leq$ x $\leq$ 1) single crystal alloys and by performing a series of experiments we find that $T_c$ does scale with the average anion height for $x$ in the presence of nematic order and near FeS, whereas superconductivity changes for all other $x$ track local crystallographic disorder and disorder-related scattering. Our findings demonstrate the strong coupling between disorder and $T_c$ as $x$ is tuned beyond the nematic critical point (NCP) and provide evidence of a $T_c$ tuning mechanism related to local bond disorder.