Low-degree approximation of QAC$^0$ circuits
Ashley Montanaro,Changpeng Shao,Dominic Verdon
Abstract:QAC$^0$ is the class of constant-depth quantum circuits with polynomially many ancillary qubits, where Toffoli gates on arbitrarily many qubits are allowed. In this work, we show that the parity function cannot be computed in QAC$^0$, resolving a long-standing open problem in quantum circuit complexity more than twenty years old. As a result, this proves ${\rm QAC}^0 \subsetneqq {\rm QAC}_{\rm wf}^0$. We also show that any QAC circuit of depth $d$ that approximately computes parity on $n$ bits requires $2^{\widetilde{\Omega}(n^{1/d})}$ ancillary qubits, which is close to tight. This implies a similar lower bound on approximately preparing cat states using QAC circuits. Finally, we prove a quantum analog of the Linial-Mansour-Nisan theorem for QAC$^0$. This implies that, for any QAC$^0$ circuit $U$ with $a={\rm poly}(n)$ ancillary qubits, and for any $x\in\{0,1\}^n$, the correlation between $Q(x)$ and the parity function is bounded by ${1}/{2} + 2^{-\widetilde{\Omega}(n^{1/d})}$, where $Q(x)$ denotes the output of measuring the output qubit of $U|x,0^a\rangle$. All the above consequences rely on the following technical result. If $U$ is a QAC$^0$ circuit with $a={\rm poly}(n)$ ancillary qubits, then there is a distribution $\mathcal{D}$ of bounded polynomials of degree polylog$(n)$ such that with high probability, a random polynomial from $\mathcal{D}$ approximates the function $\langle x,0^a| U^†Z_{n+1} U |x,0^a\rangle$ for a large fraction of $x\in \{0,1\}^n$. This result is analogous to the Razborov-Smolensky result on the approximation of AC$^0$ circuits by random low-degree polynomials.
Quantum Physics,Computational Complexity