Succinct Data Structure for Graphs with $d$-Dimensional $t$-Representation
Girish Balakrishnan,Sankardeep Chakraborty,Seungbum Jo,N S Narayanaswamy,Kunihiko Sadakane
Abstract:Erdős and West (Discrete Mathematics'85) considered the class of $n$ vertex intersection graphs which have a {\em $d$-dimensional} {\em $t$-representation}, that is, each vertex of a graph in the class has an associated set consisting of at most $t$ $d$-dimensional axis-parallel boxes. In particular, for a graph $G$ and for each $d \geq 1$, they consider $i_d(G)$ to be the minimum $t$ for which $G$ has such a representation. For fixed $t$ and $d$, they consider the class of $n$ vertex labeled graphs for which $i_d(G) \leq t$, and prove an upper bound of $(2nt+\frac{1}{2})d \log n - (n - \frac{1}{2})d \log(4\pi t)$ on the logarithm of size of the class.
In this work, for fixed $t$ and $d$ we consider the class of $n$ vertex unlabeled graphs which have a {\em $d$-dimensional $t$-representation}, denoted by $\mathcal{G}_{t,d}$. We address the problem of designing a succinct data structure for the class $\mathcal{G}_{t,d}$ in an attempt to generalize the relatively recent results on succinct data structures for interval graphs (Algorithmica'21). To this end, for each $n$ such that $td^2$ is in $o(n / \log n)$, we first prove a lower bound of $(2dt-1)n \log n - O(ndt \log \log n)$-bits on the size of any data structure for encoding an arbitrary graph that belongs to $\mathcal{G}_{t,d}$.
We then present a $((2dt-1)n \log n + dt\log t + o(ndt \log n))$-bit data structure for $\mathcal{G}_{t,d}$ that supports navigational queries efficiently. Contrasting this data structure with our lower bound argument, we show that for each fixed $t$ and $d$, and for all $n \geq 0$ when $td^2$ is in $o(n/\log n)$ our data structure for $\mathcal{G}_{t,d}$ is succinct.
As a byproduct, we also obtain succinct data structures for graphs of bounded boxicity (denoted by $d$ and $t = 1$) and graphs of bounded interval number (denoted by $t$ and $d=1$) when $td^2$ is in $o(n/\log n)$.
Data Structures and Algorithms