Investigation on the Butterfly Reconstruction Methods for MLMDA-based Direct Integral Equation Solver
Han Guo,Hu Jun,Eric Michielssen
Abstract:Summary form only given: Fast direct methods for solving integral equations are rapidly gaining traction as viable alternatives to iterative schemes. Indeed, iterative methods are often expensive when used on problems involving many excitations; moreover, they converge slowly when applied to ill-conditioned problem. We recently demonstrated direct EFIE and CFIE solvers that leverage the multilevel matrix decomposition algorithm (MLMDA) (sometimes also termed “butterfly methods”) to achieve O (N log2 N) storage and CPU complexity when applied to both 2D and 3D surface scattering phenomena (H. Guo, J. Hu and E. Michielssen, AP-S/URSI IEEE 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA). These (observed) memory and CPU complexities stand in stark contrast to those of low-rank based solvers, which scale as O (Nα log N) (α=1.3~2.0) and O (Nα logβN) (α=2.0~3.0, β≥1.0), respectively. The above-referenced direct solver constructs a hierarchical block LU factorized EFIE or CFIE impedance matrix by recursively operating on butterflycompressed blocks of partial LU factors. In this process, the solver continuously constructs new butterfly-compressed representations of sums and products of butterfly-compressed matrices. The computational complexity of the direct solver strongly hinges on the efficiency of the “butterfly algebra” for computing these representations. Techniques for implementing this algebra generally fall into one of two categories: direct, deterministic methods and iterative, randomized schemes. Direct schemes arrive at a compressed representation of the product or sum of two butterfly-compressed operators by computing judiciously selected components of the resulting operator. Randomized schemes, on the other hand, only rely on information gathered by multiplying the sum or product of the two butterfly-compressed operators by random vectors to arrive - t a compressed representation of the resulting operator. These randomized schemes can be regarded as far-reaching generalizations of randomized schemes for computing low-rank approximations of linear operators (E. Liberty, F. Woolfe, P. G. Martinsson, V. Rokhlin, and M. Tygert, PNAS, vol. 104, no. 51, 20167-20172, 2007). The computational efficiency and convergence rate of the randomized schemes depends on many implementation choices. We compare deterministic and randomized schemes on their efficiency and accuracy, as well as their ease of integration into direct solvers.