Detecting cluster patterns in tensor data
Peter A. Brooksbank,Martin D. Kassabov,James B. Wilson
Abstract:A tensor consists of data, $t$, equipped with a multilinear product $\langle t|u_1,\ldots, u_{\ell}\rangle$, called a tensor contraction. Each vector $u_a$ comes from a space $U_a$ called an axis (or mode), the output $\langle t|u_1,\ldots, u_{\ell}\rangle$ lies in a base space $U_0$. In applications, axes often function as linear models of input parameters to a multiparameter process. The tensor then models the complex ways these parameters interact to produce a vector in the base which models outcomes. Thus some linear methods become accessible on a nonlinear problem.
Many applications of tensors use decompositions $U_a=X_{a,1}\oplus \cdots \oplus X_{a,k_a}$ with a prescribed subset $\Delta$ of coordinates $(i_0,i_1,\ldots, i_{\ell})$, $1\leq i_a\leq k_a$, where \[
(i_0,i_1,\ldots, i_{\ell})\not\in \Delta
\qquad \Longrightarrow \qquad
\langle t|X_{1,i_1},\ldots, X_{\ell,i_{\ell}}\rangle \leq
\sum_{j\neq i_0} X_{0,j}. \] We call $\Delta$ a cluster pattern and observe that these generalize familiar structures such as echelon forms, block diagonalization, orthogonal, eigen, and singular value decompositions, and clustering more broadly.
This article introduces a class of efficiently computable cluster patterns that emerge from an underlying Lie theory of multilinear maps. The new family generalizes known cluster patterns such as Tucker decompositions and block diagonal decompositions but also includes decompositions that approximate curves and surfaces. The latter patterns can capture properties of data categories that do not decompose into the types of disjoint clustering for which existing methods are designed.
Numerical Analysis,Data Structures and Algorithms