Quantum set theory: Equality and order of internal reals defined through different quantum conditionals
Masanao Ozawa
Abstract:In quantum logic, there is a well-known arbitrariness in choosing a binary operation for conditionals. We currently have three candidates: the Sasaki conditional, the contrapositive Sasaki conditional, and the relevance conditional. A fundamental problem is to show how the form of the conditional follows from an analysis of experimental concepts in quantum theory. Here, we attempt such an analysis through quantum set theory. For each of the above conditionals, we previously introduced an interpretation of quantum set theory, a quantum logical truth value assignment to every set-theoretical statement, that satisfies both the full forms of De Morgan's laws and the transfer principle. In the present study, we explore the structure of the internal reals based on the new interpretations with different conditionals. We show that the externally defined set of the internal reals is identical for each choice among the above three conditionals, and that for the logic represented by a projection lattice on a Hilbert space, the internal reals are in one-to-one correspondence with the self-adjoint operators (or equivalently, quantum observables) affiliated with the von Neumann algebra generated by the logic. Moreover, we show that the truth values for their equality are also irrespective of the choice among the conditionals. Interestingly, however, the truth values for the order relation significantly depend on the underlying conditionals, whereas the order relation holds with the full truth value if and only if their corresponding self-adjoint operators satisfy Olson's spectral order relation irrespective of the choice of the conditional. We describe the difference of the interpretations of the order relation for two internal reals in terms of the order relation, well defined in quantum mechanics, of outcomes from the successive projective measurements of the corresponding two quantum observables.
Quantum Physics,Logic