MSN: Battery-Less Multiple Subcarrier Multiple Access Sensor Node with Full-Duplex Backscatter Concurrent Data Streaming
Yuxiao Zhao,Hanyang Wang,Yongming Xu,Zhongyuan Ying,Yu Lu,Jinlin Liu,Tuo Hu,Jin Mitsugi,Hao Min
Abstract:To scale to trillions of Internet-of-Things (loT) nodes, devices must be battery-less by achieving energy autonomy, having a µW power floor, few off-chip components, and a small form factor. These features are beneficial for short-range high-density loT applications such as structural health monitoring (SHM) for wings and gears, human motion capture (HMC), and air conditioning system monitoring. This work focuses on the synchronous transmission of sensor data streams, called concurrent data streaming, from multiple sensor nodes for multi-points sensing. Traditional wireless communication protocols need construct wireless networks for time synchronization, increasing system complexity [1]. However, the recent development of Multiple Subcarrier Multiple Access (MSMA), enables concurrent backscatter communication by assigning multiple uplink subcarrier (USC) channels to sensor nodes [2]–[4]. To expand the deployment in the mentioned loT applications, MSMA should be compatible with existing communication protocols and achieve real-time control of starting and stopping of concurrent data streaming without wasting extra sensing system energy. To avoid channel interference among multiple nodes and catastrophic failure of concurrent data transmission, the USC frequency must always keep stable from the influence of PVT.