Mathematics learning strategies of high school students in Nepal
Bishnu Khanal,Ram Krishna Panthi,Mukunda Prakash Kshetree,Bed Raj Acharya,Shashidhar Belbase
SN Social Sciences
Abstract:The objective of this research paper is to discuss the high school students’ strategies used in mathematics learning with a mixed-method consisting of a sequential explanatory design integrated with class observations, interviews, and questionnaire of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) with sample of 1394 students of grade nine were involved from 24 selected schools (public and private) from urban and rural areas. The analysis of data revealed nine types of learning strategies used by the learners that out of the 1394 students, about 25 percent of students used peer learning strategy in their study. Besides this, other methods such as elaboration, help-seeking, effort management, rehearsal were used by 21%, 14%, 11%, and 11% of students, respectively. Some other strategies were also in use; however, they were preferred by a few students. They include the organization (9%), time and study management (5%), meta-cognition (2%), and critical thinking (2%). Metacognition and critical thinking were the least preferred strategies by Nepalese high school students. Some pedagogical implications of these findings have been discussed at the end.