An Analysis of Kindergarten Teacher's Understanding and Its Complementary Plan on Activities of Social Relationships & Art Experience Area in the Nuri-Curriculum

Abstract:The goal of this study was to analyze the degree of kindergarten teacher's understanding with respect to educational activities of social relationships area & art experience area in the Nuri-curriculum and to provide complementary materials and educational programs for enhancing kindergarten teacher's professional development. The tool for this study was a number of questionnaires on teacher's understanding in two area. The number of survey participants were 650 teachers and 78 preliminary teachers, 728 in total. Statistical analysis to this research responses was done by SPSS 23 at the significance level of .05, .01, .001 each. Research findings reached a conclusion of proposing differentiated complementary materials and educational programs based on the types of kindergarten, qualification of teachers and their demographics. That is, it should be adjusted to the differences in establishment-operation types of kindergarten, location/size/ages of class, careers/ages/license of teachers, and current-preliminary teacher's understanding. The educational activities of social relationships area should be focused on an attitude of valuing oneself and family by browsing and practicing what one can do for oneself and family. The educational activities of art experience area should be focused on integrated experience of artistic expression and appreciation activities by exploring musical, movement and artistic elements. ■ keyword :∣Nuri-curriculum∣Activities of Social Relationship∣Activities of Art Experience∣Teacher's Understanding and Its Complementary Plans∣ 접수일자 : 2017년 11월 13일 수정일자 : 2017년 12월 05일 심사완료일 : 2017년 12월 28일 교신저자 : 정다운, e-mail : 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 '18 Vol. 18 No. 1 346
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