Weyl-invariants of totally disconnected locally compact groups acting cocompactly on buildings
Ilaria Castellano,Bianca Marchionna,Thomas Weigel
Abstract:In several instances, the invariants of compactly generated totally disconnected locally compact groups acting on locally finite buildings can be conveniently described via invariants of the Coxeter group representing the type of the building. For certain totally disconnected locally compact groups acting on buildings, we establish and collect several results concerning, for example, the rational discrete cohomological dimension (cf. Thm. A), the flat-rank (cf. Thm. C) and the number of ends (cf. Cor. K). Moreover, for an arbitrary compactly generated totally disconnected locally compact group, we express the number of ends in terms of its cohomology groups (cf. Thm. J). Furthermore, generalising a result of F. Haglund and F. Paulin, we prove that visual graph of groups decompositions of a Coxeter group $(W,S)$ can be used to construct trees from buildings of type $(W,S)$. We exploit the latter result to show that all $\sigma$-compact totally disconnected locally compact groups acting chamber-transitively on buildings can be decomposed accordingly to any visual graph of groups decomposition of the type $(W,S)$ (cf. Thm. F and Cor. G).
Group Theory