Favourable Employment Status Change and Psychological Depression: A Two‐year Follow‐up Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth

JoAnn Prause,David Dooley
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1464-0597.00059
Applied Psychology
Abstract:This study examines the relationship between favourable employment change and well‐being. Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, respondents who were inadequately employed (i.e. unemployed or underemployed, N= 1,160) in 1992 were followed up in 1994. Results suggest that among the unemployed in 1992 (time‐1), higher depression at time‐1 was significantly associated with decreased odds of both adequate employment and underemployment relative to unemployment at time‐2 (1994). Among the underemployed at time‐1, gender moderated the relationship between time‐1 depression and employment at time‐2. The odds of employment (both adequate and underemployment) were higher for males than females at lower levels of depression, but this gender advantage fell as depression increased. Additional analyses revealed that any employment at time‐2 relative to unemployment was significantly associated with lower depression in 1994 when controlling for time‐1 depression and other important background variables. Neither time‐1 status (unemployment versus underemployment) nor type of time‐2 employment (adequate versus underemployment) were significantly associated with later depression. Cette e´tude porte sur la relation entre un changement d’emploi positif et la sante´. A partir de l’enquête longitudinale nationale sur la jeunesse, des personnes qui avaient des proble`mes d’emploi en 1992 (au chômage ou sous‐employe´es, N= 1,160) ont e´te´ recontacte´es en 1994. Les re´sultats montrent que chez les chômeurs de 1992 (T1), une forte de´pression a` cette e´poque e´tait significativement relie´e a` un plus grand risque de se retrouver chômeur en 1994 (T2), plutôt qu’employe´ correctement ou sous‐employe´. Chez les sous‐employe´s de T1, le sexe influenc¸ait la relation entre la de´pression a` T1 et l’emploi a` T2. La probabilite´ d’avoir un emploi (correct ou insuffisant) e´tait supe´rieure chez les hommes pour les de´pressions le´ge`res, mais cet avantage lie´ au sexe chutait quand la de´pression s’aggravait. Des analyses comple´mentaires ont re´ve´le´ que tout emploi a` T2 e´tait significativement corre´le´ a` moins de de´pression a` ce moment quand on contrôlait pour T1 la de´pression et d’autres variables sociales importantes. Ni le statut a` T1 (chômage–sous‐emploi), ni le type d’emploi a` T2 (emploi correct–sous‐emploi) n’e´taient significativement relie´s a` la de´pression a` T2.
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