Abstract:In the first part of the paper, we solve the boundary and monodromy problems for the isomonodromy equation of the $n\times n$ meromorphic linear system of ordinary differential equations with Poncaré rank $1$. In particular, we derive an explicit expression of the Stokes matrices of the linear system, via the boundary value of the solutions of the isomonodromy equation at a critical point. Motivated by this result, we then describe the regularized limits of Stokes matrices as the irregular data $u={\rm diag}(u_1,...,u_n)$ in the linear system degenerates, i.e., as some $u_i, u_j,...,u_k$ collapse. The prescription of the regularized limit is controlled by the geometry of the De Concini-Procesi wonderful compactification space. As applications, many analysis problems about higher rank Painlevé transcendents can be solved.
In the second part of the paper, we show some important applications of the above analysis results in representation theory and Poisson geometry: we obtain the first transcendental realization of crystals in representations of $\frak{gl}_n$ via the Stokes phenomenon in the WKB approximation; we develop a wall-crossing formula that characterizes the discontinuous jump of the regularized limits of Stokes matrices as crossing walls in the compactification space, and interpret the known cactus group actions on crystals arising from representation theory as a wall-crossing phenomenon; and we find the first explicit linearization of the standard dual Poisson Lie group for $U(n)$.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problems that this paper attempts to solve mainly focus on analyzing the behavior of Stokes matrices with specific properties and the solutions of their related isomonodromy deformation equations. Specifically, the main objectives of the paper can be summarized as follows:
1. **Solving boundary and monodromy problems**:
- The paper first solves the boundary and monodromy problems of the isomonodromy deformation equations of the $n\times n$ meromorphic linear ordinary differential equation systems with Poincaré rank 1. In particular, through the boundary values of the solutions of the isomonodromy deformation equations at the critical points, the explicit expressions of the Stokes matrices of the linear systems are derived.
2. **Description of the regular limit**:
- Motivated by the above results, the paper further describes the regular limit of the Stokes matrix when the irregular data $u = \text{diag}(u_1,\ldots,u_n)$ in the linear system degenerates (that is, some $u_i, u_j,\ldots,u_k$ collapse). The descriptions of these regular limits are geometrically controlled by the wonderful compactification space of De Concini - Procesi.
3. **Applications in representation theory and Poisson geometry**:
- The paper shows important applications of the above - analyzed results in representation theory and Poisson geometry, including:
- The first transcendental realization of crystals in the $gl_n$ representation through the WKB approximation.
- The development of a wall - crossing formula that characterizes the discontinuous jumps of the regular limits of the Stokes matrix when crossing walls in the compactification space.
- The explanation of the action of the cactus group known in representation theory on crystals as a wall - crossing phenomenon.
- The finding of the first explicit linearization of the standard dual Poisson - Lie group of $U(n)$.
4. **Analysis problems of higher - order Painlevé transcendental functions**:
- Through the above research, many analysis problems of higher - order Painlevé transcendental functions are solved.
### Mathematical formulation of specific problems
- **Explicit expression of Stokes matrix**:
- Through the boundary values of the solutions of the isomonodromy deformation equations at the critical points, the paper gives the explicit expressions of the Stokes matrices. For example, for the sub - diagonal elements of the Stokes matrix $S_+$, we have:
(S_+)_k,k + 1=2\pi i\cdot\exp\left(\frac{(\Phi_0)_{kk}+(\Phi_0)_{k + 1,k + 1}}{4}\right)\times\sum_{i = 1}^k\prod_{l = 1, l\neq i}^k\Gamma\left(\frac{1+\lambda_l^{(k)}-\lambda_i^{(k)}}{2\pi i}\right)\prod_{l = 1}^{k + 1}\Gamma\left(\frac{1+\lambda_l^{(k + 1)}-\lambda_i^{(k)}}{2\pi i}\right)\prod_{l = 1, l\neq i}^k\Gamma\left(\frac{\lambda_l^{(k)}-\lambda_i^{(k)}}{2\pi i}\right)\prod_{l = 1}^{k - 1}\Gamma\left(\frac{1+\lambda_l^{(k - 1)}-\lambda_i^{(k)}}{2\pi i}\right)\cdot\Delta_{1,\ldots,k - 1,k}^{1,\ldots,k - 1,k + 1}\left(\frac{\Phi_0-\lambda_i^{(k)}}{2\pi i}\right)
- **Regular limit**:
- When some components of $u$ collapse, the regular limit of the Stokes matrix can be regularized by the identity matrix $G(u, A)$. For example