Tight-Binding Studio: A Technical Software Package to Find the Parameters of Tight-Binding Hamiltonian

M. Nakhaee,S. A. Ketabi,F. M. Peeters
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107379
Abstract:We present the Tight-Binding Studio (TBStudio) software package for calculating tight-binding Hamiltonian from a set of Bloch energy bands obtained from first principle theories such as density functional theory, Hartree-Fock calculations or Semi-empirical band structure theory. This will be helpful for scientists who are interested in studying the electronic properties of structures using Green's function theory in tight-binding approximation. TBStudio is a cross-platform application written in C++ with a graphical user interface design that is user-friendly and easy to work with. This software is powered by Linear Algebra Package C interface library for solving the eigenvalue problems and the standard high-performance OpenGL graphic library for real-time plotting. TBStudio and its examples together with the tutorials are available for download from <a class="link-external link-http" href="http://tight-binding.com" rel="external noopener nofollow">this http URL</a>.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Materials Science
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to develop a technical software package named Tight - Binding Studio (TBStudio) for calculating the parameters of the tight - binding Hamiltonian from Bloch bands obtained from first - principles theories (such as density functional theory, Hartree - Fock calculations, or semi - empirical band - structure theories). Specifically, TBStudio aims to assist researchers in: 1. **Generating tight - binding Hamiltonians**: Through the Slater - Koster method, construct a tight - binding model from the band data obtained by first - principles calculations to reproduce the band energies calculated by methods such as DFT. 2. **Studying electronic properties**: Provide tools for scientists who wish to study the structural electronic properties under the tight - binding approximation using Green's function theory. 3. **Handling non - periodic systems**: Overcome the limitations of periodic systems, so that the tight - binding method can be applied to the study of non - periodic systems and systems with a large number of atoms. 4. **Improving computational efficiency**: Through the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) method, achieve cost - and time - efficient calculations, especially for systems containing a large number of atoms. 5. **Providing a user - friendly interface**: TBStudio is a cross - platform application with a graphical user interface, which is easy to use and operate simply, and supports real - time plotting functions. 6. **Integrating multiple libraries**: Utilize the BLAS and LAPACK libraries for matrix operations and eigenvalue problem - solving, and use the OpenGL library for high - performance graphics rendering. ### Formula Representation of Tight - Binding Hamiltonian The tight - binding Hamiltonian \(\hat{H}\) and the overlap operator \(\hat{S}\) can be represented as: \[ \hat{H}=\sum_{i, i^{\prime}} \sum_{\nu_{i}, \nu_{i}^{\prime}}\langle\phi_{\nu_{i}}|\hat{H}|\phi_{\nu_{i}^{\prime}}\rangle \] \[ \hat{S}=\sum_{i, i^{\prime}} \sum_{\nu_{i}, \nu_{i}^{\prime}}\langle\phi_{\nu_{i}}|\phi_{\nu_{i}^{\prime}}\rangle \] where \(\phi_{\nu_{i}}\) represents the \(\nu_{i}\) - th orbital wave function of the \(i\) - th atom. ### Iterative Minimization Algorithm TBStudio uses the Levenberg - Marquardt least - squares curve - fitting method to optimize the parameters of the tight - binding model. The goal is to minimize the following sum of squared deviations: \[ S(\beta)=\sum_{n} \sum_{k} \sum_{\sigma}(\varepsilon_{n k \sigma}^{\prime}-\varepsilon_{n k \sigma}(\beta))^{2} \] where \(\varepsilon^{\prime}\) is the band energy obtained by DFT calculations, \(\varepsilon\) is the result calculated by the tight - binding model, and \(\beta\) is the parameter vector to be optimized (including Slater - Koster parameters, overlap integrals, and spin - orbit coupling constants). ### Summary Through TBStudio, researchers can generate tight - binding Hamiltonians more efficiently and use them for subsequent calculations of electronic properties, thereby accelerating the progress of scientific research on nanostructures and solid materials.