Abstract:In this paper we construct an entire function of two variables having the property that its values and its partial derivatives of any order at any distinct algebraic points are algebraically independent. Such an entire function is generated by a linear recurrence. In order to prove this result, we reduce the algebraic independency to that of Mahler functions of several variables by shifting the linear recurrence and apply the theory of Mahler functions.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to construct a bivariate entire function with significant algebraic independence properties, even for its partial derivatives. Specifically, the author hopes to find a bivariate entire function such that the values of this function and its partial derivatives of any order at any distinct algebraic points are algebraically independent. Such a function is generated by a linear recurrence relation.
### Detailed Explanation
1. **Problem Background**:
- In the theory of transcendental numbers, many researchers have explored the sufficient and necessary conditions for the algebraic independence of the values of analytic functions at algebraic numbers.
- The earliest result is the famous Lindemann - Weierstrass theorem, which states that the values of the exponential functions \( e^{\alpha_1}, \ldots, e^{\alpha_n} \) at algebraic numbers \( \alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_n \) are algebraically independent if and only if \( \alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_n \) are linearly independent over the rational numbers.
2. **Existing Results**:
- Nishioka et al. have proven that some complex or p - adic entire functions have algebraically independent values and derivatives of any order at their non - zero distinct algebraic points.
- These results usually involve functions generated by linear recurrence relations satisfying certain conditions.
3. **Main Contributions of This Paper**:
- A bivariate entire function \( \Theta(x, y) \) is constructed such that the values of this function and its partial derivatives of any order at any distinct algebraic points are algebraically independent.
- This function is generated by a linear recurrence relation, and both the complex case and the p - adic case are considered.
4. **Main Theorem**:
- Theorem 5: Let \( p \) be infinity or a prime number. Suppose the linear recurrence relations \( \{R_k\}_{k\geq0} \) satisfy the condition \( (R)_p \). Then the infinite subset
\left\{ \frac{\partial^{l + m}\Theta}{\partial x^l\partial y^m}(\alpha, \beta)\mid\alpha\in\mathbb{Q}^\times, \beta\in\mathbb{Q}, l\geq0, m\geq N_\beta\right\}\cup\left\{ G^{(N_\beta)}(\beta)\mid\beta\in\mathbb{Q}^\times\right\}
is algebraically independent over \( \mathbb{Q} \) in \( \mathbb{Q}_p \).
5. **Applications and Generalizations**:
- Through the above theorem, the existing algebraic independence results of univariate functions can be further generalized to the bivariate function case.
- This generalization is applicable not only to the complex case but also to the p - adic case.
In conclusion, the main purpose of this paper is to construct and prove the algebraic independence of the values of a bivariate entire function and its partial derivatives at algebraic points, thus extending the existing algebraic independence theory of one - dimensional functions.