Searches for double beta decay of ^(134)Xe with EXO-200
J. B. Albert,Gisela Anton,I. Badhrees,P. S. Barbeau,R. Bayerlein,Douglas H Beck,V. Belov,Martin Breidenbach,T. Brunner,Guofu Cao,W. R. Cen,C. Chambers,B. T. Cleveland,M. Coon,A. Craycraft,W. Cree,T. Daniels,M. Danilov,S. J. Daugherty,J. Daughhetee,J. Davis,S. Delaquis,A. Der Mesrobian-Kabakian,R. DeVoe,T. Didberidze,Jens Dilling,A. Dolgolenko,M. J. Dolinski,W. M. Fairbank,J. Farine,S. Feyzbakhsh,Peter Fierlinger,D. Fudenberg,R. Gornea,K. Graham,Giorgio Gratta,C. R. Hall,J. Hoessl,P. Hufschmidt,M. Hughes,A. Jamil,M. J. Jewell,A. S. Johnson,S. Johnston,A. Karelin,L. J. Kaufman,Thomas Koffas,S. Kravitz,R. Krücken,A. Kuchenkov,K. S. Kumar,Y. Lan,David Leonard,Shu Li,C. Licciardi,Yuehe Lin,R. MacLellan,Michael G. Marino,T. Michel,B. Mong,David Moore,K. Murray,R. H. Nelson,O. Njoya,A.C. Odian,I. Ostrovskiy,A. Piepke,A. Pocar,F. Retiere,P. C. Rowson,J. J. Russell,A. Schubert,David A. Sinclair,E. Smith,V.N. Stekhanov,M. Tarka,T. Tolba,R. Tsang,Petr Vogel,J. L. Vuilleumier,M. Wagenpfeil,A. P. Waite,J. Walton,T. Walton,Marc Weber,L. J. Wen,U. Wichoski,Liang Yang,Y-R Yen,O. Ya. Zeldovich,J. Zettlemoyer,T. Ziegler
Abstract:Searches for double beta decay of ^(134)Xe were performed with EXO-200, a single-phase liquid xenon detector designed to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of ^(136)Xe. Using an exposure of 29.6 kg⋅yr, the lower limits of T^(2νββ_+(1/2) > 8.7×10^(20) yr and T^(0νββ)_(1/2) > 1.1×10^(23) yr at 90% confidence level were derived, with corresponding half-life sensitivities of 1.2×10^(21) yr and 1.9×10^(23) yr. These limits exceed those in the literature for ^(134)Xe, improving by factors of nearly 105 and 2 for the two antineutrino and neutrinoless modes, respectively.