Bi$\boldsymbolν$o phenomenology at the LHC

Patrick J. Fox,Julia Gehrlein,Seyda Ipek
Abstract:We study the LHC constraints on an $R$-symmetric SUSY model, where the neutrino masses are generated through higher dimensional operators involving the pseudo-Dirac bino, named bi$\nu$o. We consider a particle spectrum where the squarks are heavier than the lightest neutralino, which is a pure bi$\nu$o. The bi$\nu$o is produced through squark decays and it subsequently decays to a combination of jets and leptons, with or without missing energy, via its mixing with the Standard Model neutrinos. We recast the most recent LHC searches for jets+missing energy with $\sqrt{s}=13~$TeV and $\mathcal{L}=36~{\rm fb}^{-1}$ of data to determine the constraints on the squark and bi$\nu$o masses in this model. We find that squarks as light as 350~GeV are allowed if the bi$\nu$o is lighter than 150~GeV and squarks heavier than 950~GeV are allowed for any bi$\nu$o mass. We also present forecasts for the LHC with $\sqrt{s}=13$~TeV and $\mathcal{L}=300~{\rm fb}^{-1}$ and show that squarks up to 1150~GeV can be probed.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
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