Abstract:Gradient descent, or negative gradient flow, is a standard technique in optimization to find minima of functions. Many implementations of gradient descent rely on discretized versions, i.e., moving in the gradient direction for a set step size, recomputing the gradient, and continuing. In this paper, we present an approach to manifold learning where gradient descent takes place in the infinite dimensional space $\mathcal{E} = {\rm Emb}(M,\mathbb{R}^N)$ of smooth embeddings $\phi$ of a manifold $M$ into $\mathbb{R}^N$. Implementing a discretized version of gradient descent for $P:\mathcal{E}\to {\mathbb R}$, a penalty function that scores an embedding $\phi \in \mathcal{E}$, requires estimating how far we can move in a fixed direction -- the direction of one gradient step -- before leaving the space of smooth embeddings. Our main result is to give an explicit lower bound for this step length in terms of the Riemannian geometry of $\phi(M)$. In particular, we consider the case when the gradient of $P$ is pointwise normal to the embedded manifold $\phi(M)$. We prove this case arises when $P$ is invariant under diffeomorphisms of $M$, a natural condition in manifold learning.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is: in manifold learning, how to ensure that the discretized gradient - descent method does not cause the manifold to degenerate or produce singularities when searching for the optimal embedding. Specifically, the author is concerned with how to estimate the maximum step size \(t^*\) that can be moved when the gradient descent occurs in the infinite - dimensional space \(E = \text{Emb}(M, \mathbb{R}^N)\), so as to ensure that during the process from one smooth embedding to another, the manifold always remains in an embedded state.
### Background of the Main Problem
1. **Manifold Learning**
- Manifold learning is a data - dimensionality - reduction technique, aiming to approximately represent high - dimensional data as low - dimensional embedded manifolds.
- Classic manifold - learning methods such as Isomap and LLE usually achieve this by optimizing certain objective functions.
2. **Gradient Descent**
- Gradient descent is a commonly - used technique in optimization problems for finding the minimum of a function.
- In manifold learning, gradient descent can be applied to the infinite - dimensional space \(E\), that is, the space of all smooth embeddings from the manifold \(M\) to \(\mathbb{R}^N\).
3. **Discretized Gradient Flow**
- In actual calculations, continuous gradient flow is difficult to implement, so a discretized version is usually adopted, that is, moving a small step in the negative - gradient direction each time, then recomputing the gradient and continuing the iteration.
- The key problem is how to determine the maximum step size \(t^*\) for each step to ensure that the new position is still a valid embedding.
### Main Contributions of the Paper
- **Main Result (Theorem 5.7)**: Gives an explicit lower bound \(t^*\), such that when the step size is less than \(t^*\), the manifold remains in an embedded state during the gradient - descent process.
- **Geometric Condition**: Proves that when the penalty function \(P\) is invariant under diffeomorphisms on \(M\), the gradient field \(\nabla P\) is point - wise orthogonal on the embedded manifold.
- **Practical Application**: Provides a method that combines theory and practice, solving the implementation problem of discretized gradient flow in manifold learning.
### Formulas and Symbol Explanations
- \(E=\text{Emb}(M, \mathbb{R}^N)\): The space of all smooth embeddings from the manifold \(M\) to \(\mathbb{R}^N\).
- \(P:E\to\mathbb{R}\): A penalty function, usually containing a data - fitting term and a regularization term.
- \(\nabla P\): The gradient of the penalty function \(P\).
- \(t^*\): The maximum step size, such that the manifold remains in an embedded state during the gradient - descent process.
### Conclusion
Through strict mathematical derivations, this paper solves the key problem of discretized gradient flow in manifold learning, providing a theoretical basis and practical method for ensuring the effectiveness of manifold embeddings. This provides a new perspective for optimization problems in manifold learning and guidance for practical applications.