Etiopathogenetic aspects of otosclerosis
V. M. Svistushkin,E. V. Sin’kov,I. V. Stozhkova,,,
Russian otorhinolaryngology
Abstract:Otosclerosis is one of the most common causes of progressive hearing loss, in particular in people of working age. The effectiveness of stapedial surgery largely determines the interest in studying the problems and prospects for the development of technologies, namely, the improvement of prostheses, surgical techniques, and assistance during interventions. It is worth noting that the main attention in the scientific literature is paid to the description of the clinic, the diagnosis of otosclerosis, as well as the methods of stapedoplasty. However, the question of the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease remains relevant and open for discussion, despite the many domestic and foreign works in this field. The emergence of new research methods, including molecular-genetic ones, contributed to the transition of research to a new level and the development of several new theories. Modern understanding of the pathogenesis of otosclerosis considers this disease as a multifactorial condition, in which many processes are involved, for example, genetic, hormonal, biochemical, and immunological. Likely, further study of the theory and hypothesis of the development of otosclerosis will find their justification, which will help answer many questions. The purpose of this article is to analyze and systematize data concerning various theories of the etiopathogenesis of the otosclerosis process, based on the study of modern domestic and foreign literature.