Influence of chimeric human-bovine fibers on adenoviral uptake by liver cells and the antiviral immune response
S Rogée,E Grellier,C Bernard,N Jouy,A Loyens,J C Beauvillain,P Fender,S Corjon,S S Hong,P Boulanger,B Quesnel,J C D'Halluin,M Colin
Abstract:Human adenoviruses (HAdV) are widely used for in vitro and in vivo gene transfer. Viral hepatotropism, inflammatory responses and neutralization by pre-existing antibodies (NAbs) are obstacles for clinical applications of HAdV vectors. Although the multifactorial events leading to innate HAdV toxicity are far from being elucidated, there is a consensus that the majority of intravenously injected-HAdV vectors is sequestered by Kuppfer cells, probably independently of coagulation factors. In this study, we show that the adenoviral-associated humoral and innate cytokine immune responses are significantly reduced when HAdV-5 vector carrying human bovine chimeric fibers (HAdV-5-F2/BAdV-4) is intravenously injected into mice. Fiber pseudotyping modified its interaction with blood coagulation factors, as FIX and FX no longer mediate the infection of liver cells by HAdV-5-F2/BAdV-4. As a consequence, at early time points post-infection, several cytokines and chemokines (IFN-gamma, IL-6, IP-10, MCP-1, RANTES and MP1beta) were found to be present at lower levels in the plasma of mice that had been intravenously injected with HAdV-5-F2/BAdV-4 compared with mice injected with the parental vector HAdV-5. Moreover, genetic modification of the fiber allowed HAdV-5-F2/BAdV-4 to partially escape neutralization by NAbs.