Mass distribution for toral eigenfunctions via Bourgain's de-randomisation

Andrea Sartori
Abstract:We study the problem of mass distribution of Laplacian eigenfunctions in shrinking balls for the standard flat torus $\mathbb{T}^2=\mathbb{R}^2/\mathbb{Z}^2$. By averaging over the centre of the ball we use Bourgain's de-randomisation to compare the mass-distribution of toral eigenfunctions at Plank scale to the mass distribution of random waves in growing balls around the origin. We are then able to classify all possible limiting distributions and variances. Finally we give sufficient and necessary conditions so that the mass of \textquotedblleft generic \textquotedblright eigenfunction equidistributes at Plank scale in almost all balls.
Number Theory,Mathematical Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the mass distribution problem of Laplacian eigenfunctions at the Planck scale on the standard flat two - dimensional torus \(T^2=\mathbb{R}^2 / \mathbb{Z}^2\). Specifically, the author studies the comparison between the mass distribution of eigenfunctions when taking the average value within small balls and that of random waves in increasingly large balls, and classifies all possible limit distributions and their variances. In addition, the paper also explores the question of whether the mass of eigenfunctions can be evenly distributed at the Planck scale even in the "generic" case. Finally, the author gives the necessary and sufficient conditions for "generic" eigenfunctions to be evenly distributed at the Planck scale in almost all balls. ### Summary of main problems: 1. **Research on mass distribution**: Study the mass distribution of Laplacian eigenfunctions at the Planck scale. 2. **Comparison with random waves**: Compare the mass distribution of eigenfunctions with that of random waves through Bourgain's derandomization method. 3. **Classification of limit distributions**: Classify all possible limit distributions and their variances. 4. **Possibility of non - uniform distribution**: Explore whether the mass of eigenfunctions can be non - evenly distributed at the Planck scale even in the "generic" case. 5. **Necessary and sufficient conditions**: Give the necessary and sufficient conditions for eigenfunctions to be evenly distributed at the Planck scale. ### Formula presentation: - The eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator satisfy: \[ \Delta_g f_{E_i}+E_i f_{E_i} = 0 \] - Definition of mass distribution: \[ M_f(x, r):=\frac{1}{\text{Vol}(B(x, r))}\int_{B(x, r)}|f_E|^2 \] - Representation form of eigenfunctions: \[ f(x)=\sum_{|\xi|^2 = E}a_\xi e(\langle x, \xi \rangle) \] - Definition of the random variable \(W(\mu_A)\): \[ W(\mu_A):=\sum_{\xi\in\text{spt}(\mu_A)}|X_\xi|^2 \] where \(X_\xi\) are independent and identically distributed complex Gaussian random variables, satisfying \(X_\xi = X_{-\xi}\). Through these studies, the author reveals the complex behavior of eigenfunctions at the Planck scale and provides a theoretical basis for understanding their mass distribution.