Abstract:We propose a new type of topological states of matter exhibiting topologically nontrivial edge states (ESs) within gapless bulk states (GBSs) protected by both spin rotational and reflection symmetries. A model presenting such states is simply comprised of a one-dimensional reflection symmetric superlattice in the presence of spin-orbit coupling containing odd number of sublattices per unit cell. We show that the system has a rich phase diagram including a topological metal (TM) phase where nontrivial ESs coexist with nontrivial GBSs at Fermi level. Topologically distinct phases can be reached through subband gap closing-reopening transition depending on the relative strength of inter and intra unit cell spin-orbit couplings. Moreover, topological class of the system is AI with an integer topological invariant called $\mathbb{Z}$ index. The stability of TM states is also analyzed against Zeeman magnetic fields and on-site potentials resulting in that the spin rotational symmetry around the lattice direction is a key requirement for the appearance of such states. Also, possible experimental realizations are discussed.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to explore a new type of topological state, that is, to realize a topological metal (TM) with the coexistence of non - trivial edge states (ESs) and gapless bulk states (GBSs) in a one - dimensional periodic superlattice. Specifically, the author proposes a 1D reflection - symmetric superlattice model composed of an odd number of sub - lattices. Under the action of spin - orbit coupling (SO), this system can exhibit a rich phase diagram, including the topological metal phase. In this phase, non - trivial edge states can coexist with non - trivial gapless bulk states at the Fermi level.
### Main problem summary:
1. **Explore new topological states**: By introducing spin - orbit coupling, study how to realize the topological metal phase under specific conditions.
2. **Understand the phase - change mechanism**: Analyze how different parameters (such as spin - orbit coupling strength, hopping energy, etc.) affect the topological properties of the system, leading to topological phase transitions.
3. **Verify topological invariants**: Classify the topological properties of the system by calculating the Z - index and verify the stability of these properties under different conditions.
4. **Experimental feasibility**: Explore how to realize this topological metal phase in actual physical systems, for example, through cold - atom optical lattices or heterostructure materials.
### Key points:
- **Model description**: The one - dimensional superlattice contains an odd number of sub - lattices and has spin - orbit coupling and reflection symmetry.
- **Topological invariant**: The topological class of the system belongs to class AI, represented by the integer Z - index.
- **Phase - diagram analysis**: By adjusting the spin - orbit coupling strength, the system can transform between different topological phases.
- **Experimental realization**: Discussed possible experimental realization methods, such as cold - atom systems and heterostructure materials.
### Formula display:
- **Hamiltonian**:
\hat{H}_t = \sum_{n, \sigma} \sum_{\alpha = 1}^T t_\alpha \hat{c}^\dagger_{\alpha, n, \sigma} \hat{c}_{\alpha + 1, n, \sigma}+\text{h.c.}
\hat{H}_{so}=\sum_{n, \sigma} \sum_{\alpha = 1}^T \lambda_\alpha \hat{c}^\dagger_{\alpha, n, \sigma} \hat{c}_{\alpha + 1, n, -\sigma}+\text{h.c.}
- **Topological invariant**:
Z:=\sum_{j = \pm} Z_{U = j}=\sum_{j = \pm} \sum_{i = 1}^{T - 1} N_{i, U = j}
where \( N_{i, U=\pm}=|n_{1,i,U = \pm}-n_{2,i,U = \pm}| \), representing the number of energy bands with negative parity at \( k_{ref}=0 \) and \( k_{ref}=\pi \) respectively.
Through the above research, the author reveals a new topological metal phase and provides a theoretical basis and experimental guidance for future research.