Impact of the $^7$Be($α, γ$)$^{11}$C reaction on the primordial abundance of $^7$Li

M. Hartos,C. A. Bertulani,Shubhchintak,A. M. Mukhamedzhanov,S. Hou
Abstract:We calculate the radiative capture cross section for $^7$Be($\alpha, \gamma$)$^{11}$C and its reaction rate of relevance for the big bang nucleosynthesis. The impact of this reaction on the primordial $^7$Li abundance is revised including narrow and broad resonances in the pertinent energy region. Our calculations show that it is unlikely that very low energy resonances in $^{11}$C of relevance for the big bang nucleosynthesis would emerge within a two-body potential model. Based on our results and a comparison with previous theoretical and experimental analyses, we conclude that the impact of this reaction on the so-called "cosmological lithium puzzle" is completely irrelevant.
Nuclear Theory,Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics,Nuclear Experiment
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