Integrated Industrial Reference Architecture for Smart Healthcare in Internet of Things: A Systematic Investigation
Aswani Devi Aguru,Erukala Suresh Babu,Soumya Ranjan Nayak,Abhisek Sethy,Amit Verma
Abstract:Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the efflorescing technologies of recent years with splendid real-time applications in the fields of healthcare, agriculture, transportation, industry, and environmental monitoring. In addition to the dominant applications and services of IoT, many challenges exist. As there is a lack of standardization for IoT technologies, the architecture emerged as the foremost challenge. The salient issues in designing an IoT architecture encompass connectivity, data handling, heterogeneity, privacy, scalability, and security. The standard IoT architectures are the ETSI IoT Standard, the ITU-T IoT Reference Model, IoT-A Reference Model, Intel's IoT Architecture, the Three-Layer Architecture, Middle-Based Architecture, Service-Oriented Architecture, Five-Layer Architecture, and IWF Architecture. In this paper, we have reviewed these architectures and concluded that IWF Architecture is most suitable for the effortless development of IoT applications because of its immediacy and depth of insight in dealing with IoT data. We carried out this review concerning smart healthcare as it is among the major industries that have been leaders and forerunners in IoT technologies. Motivated by this, we designed the novel Smart Healthcare Reference Architecture (SHRA) based on IWF Architecture. Finally, present the significance of smart healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have synthesized our findings in a systematic way for addressing the research questions on IoT challenges. To the best of our knowledge, our paper is the first to provide an exhaustive investigation on IoT architectural challenges with a use case in a smart healthcare system.