The Influence of Learning Models of Natural Materials on the Cognitive and Motoric Development of Children in Group B in Kindergarten

W. Sukartiningsih,Malikatus Sholihah,B. Bachri
Abstract:This study aims to determine the effect of learning model of natural materials focused on the cognitive and motor development of children of group B in Kindergarten. The learning model is a chance for children to learn through the center of natural materials. It is also giving chance to the children to show explorative activities, probing and exploring with various media and activities. Based on observations made in kindergarten using the model of natural materials center, they are still less exploring the cognitive and motor development because they were still passive in the activity. This research uses quantitative approach with QuasiExperimental research model with Pretest-Posttest and Control Group Design. The research subjects were children of Group B Dukuh Pakis District Surabaya at TK Khadijah 2 (pre-elementary or kindergarten school) and TK Ar-rasyid. The sample used Simple Random Sampling, where there were 30 children (TK B1 and TK B2) from TK Khadijah 2 and 25 children were (TK B1 and TK B2) from Ar-Rasyid Kindergarten. The data was collected by observation method, documentation and interview. Testing the first and second hypothesis was performed in term of using One Way ANOVA test, while the third hypothesis used Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) test to see how the influence of all dependent variables relates. MANOVA was used to test the hypothesis about the effect of two dependent variables. Hypothesis testing was rejected if H0 (Hypothesis of Nil) was rejected, H1 (Alternative Hypothesis) was accepted if the value of F count ≥ F table and if H0 (Hypothesis of Nil) was accepted, H1 (Alternative Hypothesis) was rejected if the price of F count ≤ F table. Keywords— Learning Model of Natural Materials Center, Cognitive Development, Motoric.
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