SVARs with breaks: Identification and inference
Emanuele Bacchiocchi,Toru Kitagawa
Abstract:In this paper we propose a class of structural vector autoregressions (SVARs) characterized by structural breaks (SVAR-WB). Together with standard restrictions on the parameters and on functions of them, we also consider constraints across the different regimes. Such constraints can be either (a) in the form of stability restrictions, indicating that not all the parameters or impulse responses are subject to structural changes, or (b) in terms of inequalities regarding particular characteristics of the SVAR-WB across the regimes. We show that all these kinds of restrictions provide benefits in terms of identification. We derive conditions for point and set identification of the structural parameters of the SVAR-WB, mixing equality, sign, rank and stability restrictions, as well as constraints on forecast error variances (FEVs). As point identification, when achieved, holds locally but not globally, there will be a set of isolated structural parameters that are observationally equivalent in the parametric space. In this respect, both common frequentist and Bayesian approaches produce unreliable inference as the former focuses on just one of these observationally equivalent points, while for the latter on a non-vanishing sensitivity to the prior. To overcome these issues, we propose alternative approaches for estimation and inference that account for all admissible observationally equivalent structural parameters. Moreover, we develop a pure Bayesian and a robust Bayesian approach for doing inference in set-identified SVAR-WBs. Both the theory of identification and inference are illustrated through a set of examples and an empirical application on the transmission of US monetary policy over the great inflation and great moderation regimes.