Peschl-Minda derivatives and convergent Wick star products on the disk, the sphere and beyond
Michael Heins,Annika Moucha,Oliver Roth,Toshiyuki Sugawa
Abstract:We introduce and study invariant differential operators acting on the space $\mathcal{H}(\Omega)$ of holomorphic functions on the complement ${\Omega=\{(z,w) \in \hat{\mathbb{C}}^2 \, : \, z\cdot w \not=1\}}$ of the "complexified unit circle" $\{(z,w) \in \hat{\mathbb{C}}^2 \, : \, z\cdot w =1\}$. We obtain recursion identities, describe the behaviour under change of coordinates and find the generators of the corresponding operator algebra. We illustrate how this provides a unified framework for investigating conformally invariant differential operators on the unit disk $\mathbb{D}$ and the Riemann sphere $\hat{\mathbb{C}}$, which have been studied by Peschl, Aharonov, Minda and many others, within their conjecturally natural habitat. We apply the machinery to a problem in deformation quantization by deriving explicit formulas for the canonical Wick-type star products on $\Omega$, the unit disk $\mathbb{D}$ and the Riemann sphere $\hat{\mathbb{C}}$ in terms of such invariant differential operators. These formulas are given in form of factorial series which depend holomorphically on a complex deformation parameter $\hbar$ and lead to asymptotic expansions of the star products in powers of $\hbar$.
Complex Variables,Mathematical Physics,Functional Analysis