Sequence Generation with Target Attention.
Yingce Xia,Fei Tian,Tao Qin,Nenghai Yu,Tie-Yan Liu
Abstract:Source-target attention mechanism (briefly, source attention) has become one of the key components in a wide range of sequence generation tasks, such as neural machine translation, image caption, and open-domain dialogue generation. In these tasks, the attention mechanism, typically in control of information flow from the encoder to the decoder, enables to generate every component in the target sequence relying on different source components. While source attention mechanism has attracted many research interests, few of them turn eyes to if the generation of target sequence can additionally benefit from attending back to itself, which however is intuitively motivated by the nature of attention. To investigate the question, in this paper, we propose a new target-target attention mechanism (briefly, target attention). Along the progress of generating target sequence, target attention mechanism takes into account the relationship between the component to generate and its preceding context within the target sequence, such that it can better keep the coherent consistency and improve the readability of the generated sequence. Furthermore, it complements the information from source attention so as to further enhance semantic adequacy. After designing an effective approach to incorporate target attention in encoder-decoder framework, we conduct extensive experiments on both neural machine translation and image caption. Experimental results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of our design of integrating both source and target attention for sequence generation tasks.