Spectral and Energy Morphology Analysis Study of HAWC J2031+415
Ian Herzog,Anushka Udara Abeysekara,A. Albert,Ruben Jose Alfaro,C. Álvarez,Juan de Dios Álvarez Romero,J.R. Camacho,Juan Carlos Arteaga Velázquez,Arun Babu Kollamparambil,Daniel Omar Avila Rojas,Hugo Alberto Ayala Solares,Rishi Babu,Vardan Baghmanyan,Ahron S. Barber,J. Becerra González,E. Belmont-Moreno,S. BenZvi,D. Berley,C. Brisbois,Karen S. Caballero Mora,T. Capistrán,A. Carramiñana,S. Casanova,Oscar Chaparro-Amaro,U. Cotti,J. Cotzomi,S. Coutiño de León,Eduardo de la Fuente,Cederik León de León,Lorenzo Diaz,R. Díaz Hernández,J. C. Díaz-Vélez,B. L. Dingus,Mora Durocher,Michael DuVernois,R. W. Ellsworth,Kristi Engel,María Catalina Espinoza Hernández,Jason Fan,Ke Fang,M. Fernández Alonso,B. Fick,Henrike Fleischhack,Jorge L. Flores,N. Fraija,Diego Garcia Aguilar,J. A. García-González,José Luis García–Luna,Guillermo García–Torales,F. Garfias,Gwenael Giacinti,Hazal Goksu,M. M. González,J. A. Goodman,J. Patrick Harding,Sergio Hernández Cadena,J. A. Hinton,B. Hona,Dezhi Huang,Filiberto Hueyotl-Zahuantitla,C. M. Hui,Brian Humensky,P. Hüntemeyer,A. Iriarte,A. Jardin-Blicq,Hannah Jhee,Vikas Joshi,D. B. Kieda,G. J. Kunde,S. Kunwar,Alejandro Lara,Jason LEE,William H. Lee,D. Lennarz,H. León Vargas,J. T. Linnemann,A. L. Longinotti,R. López-Coto,G. Luis-Raya,Joe Lundeen,K. Malone,V. Marandon,Oscar M Martinez,Israel Martinez Castellanos,Humberto Martínez Huerta,J. Martínez-Castro,John Matthews,J. McEnery,P. Miranda-Romagnoli,Jorge Antonio Morales Soto,Eduardo Moreno Barbosa,M. Mostafá,A. Nayerhoda,Lukas Nellen,M. Newbold,Mehr Nisa,R. Noriega-Papaqui,Laura Olivera-Nieto,N. Omodei,Alison Peisker,Yunior Pérez Araujo,Pérez,Chang Dong Rho,C. Rivière,D. Rosa‐González,E. Ruiz-Velasco,James G. Ryan,H. Salazar,F. Salesa Greus,A. Sandoval,Michael Schneider,Harm Schoorlemmer,José Serna-Franco,G. Sinnis,Andrew Smith,R.W. Springer,P. Surajbali,I. Taboada,Meghan Tanner,K. Tollefson,I. Torres,Ramiro Torres Escobedo,Rhiannon M. Turner,Fernando Josue Urena Mena,L. Villaseñor,Xiaojie Wang,Ian Watson,T. Weisgarber,Félix Werner,Elijah Job Willox,J. Wood,G. B. Yodh,A. Zepeda,Hao Zhou
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.395.0836
Abstract:The Cygnus Cocoon region is a complex region containing an OB star cluster that is prominent in the TeV energy range.Located in this region is 3HWC J2031+415, a significant TeV gamma-ray source whose emission is possibly associated with 2 components, the Cygnus OB2 star cluster and a pulsar wind nebula (PWN).In this work, several modelling methods are presented to best describe the emission.These models disentangle emission believed to be from the Cocoon and isolate the component emitted by the probable PWN.I will present several spectral models to describe the emission of the probable PWN using the latest data set from the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory.Furthermore, I will present an energy morphology study of the PWN component of 3HWC J2031+415 in distinct energy bands.