Results on the algebraic differential independence of the riemann zeta function and the euler gamma function
Xiao-min Li,Yi-xuan Li
Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
Abstract:In 2010, Li-Ye [13, Theorem 0.1] proved thatP zeta(z),zeta '(z),...,zeta(m)(z),Gamma(z),Gamma '(z),Gamma ''(z)equivalent to 0 inC,wheremis a non-negative integer, andP(u0,u1,...,um,v0,v1,v2) is anynon-trivial polynomial in its arguments with coefficients in the fieldC.Later on, Li-Ye [15, Theorem 1] proved thatPz,Gamma(z),Gamma '(z),...,Gamma(n)(z),zeta(z)equivalent to 0inz is an element of Cfor any non-trivial distinguished polynomialP(z,u0,u1,...,un,v) with coefficients in a setL delta of the zero function and a class of non-zero functionsffromCtoC boolean OR{infinity}(cf. [15, Definition 1]). In this paper,we prove thatPz,zeta(z),zeta '(z),...,zeta(m)(z),Gamma(z),Gamma '(z),...,Gamma(n)(z)equivalent to 0inz is an element of C, wheremandnare two non-negative integers, andP(z,u0,u1,...,um,v0,v1,...,vn)is any non-trivial polynomial in them+n+ 2 variablesu0,u1,...,um,v0,v1,...,vnwith coefficients being meromorphic functions of order less than one, andthe polynomialP(z,u0,u1,...,um,v0,v1,...,vn) is a distinguished poly-nomial in then+ 1 variablesv0,v1,...,vn. The question studied in thispaper is concerning the conjecture of Markus from [16]. The main re-sults obtained in this paper also extend the corresponding results fromLi-Ye [12] and improve the corresponding results from Chen-Wang [5] andWang-Li-Liu-Li [23], respectively