Euler characteristic and Akashi series for Selmer groups over global function fields

Andrea Bandini,Maria Valentino
Abstract:Let $A$ be an abelian variety defined over a global function field $F$ of positive characteristic $p$ and let $K/F$ be a $p$-adic Lie extension with Galois group $G$. We provide a formula for the Euler characteristic $\chi(G,Sel_A(K)_p)$ of the $p$-part of the Selmer group of $A$ over $K$. In the special case $G=\mathbb{Z}_p^d$ and $A$ a constant ordinary variety, using Akashi series, we show how the Euler characteristic of the dual of $Sel_A(K)_p$ is related to special values of a $p$-adic $\mathcal{L}$-function.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to calculate and understand the Euler characteristics of the Selmer group of abelian varieties over global function fields and the Akashi series. Specifically, the authors provide a formula to calculate the Euler characteristics of the $p$-part of the Selmer group of an abelian variety $A$ under a given $p$-adic Lie extension. ### Specific Problem Description 1. **Background Settings**: - Let $A$ be an abelian variety defined over a global function field $F$ of positive characteristic $p$. - Let $K/F$ be a $p$-adic Lie extension with Galois group $G$. 2. **Research Objectives**: - Provide a formula to calculate the Euler characteristics $\chi(G, \text{Sel}_A(K)_p)$ of the $p$-part Selmer group $\text{Sel}_A(K)_p$. - In special cases (such as $G = \mathbb{Z}_p^d$ and $A$ is a constant ordinary variety), use the Akashi series to show the relationship between the Euler characteristics of the dual Selmer group and the special values of the $p$-adic $L$-function. ### Main Contributions of the Paper 1. **Euler Characteristics Formula**: - The authors derive the Euler characteristics formula of the Selmer group, especially the formula for the truncated Euler characteristics $\chi^{(2)}(G, \text{Sel}_A(K)_p)$. - These formulas are not directly related to the special values of $p$-adic or global $L$-functions, which is a significant difference from the classical formulas. 2. **Application of Akashi Series**: - For the case of constant ordinary abelian varieties, the relationship between the dual of the Selmer group and the $p$-adic $L$-function is shown through the Akashi series. ### Conclusion The main purpose of the paper is to provide a framework to understand and calculate the Euler characteristics of the Selmer group of abelian varieties over global function fields and to explore the relationship between these characteristics and the characteristic elements mentioned in the Iwasawa main conjecture. This provides an important tool for studying the structure of the Selmer group and its relationship with the $p$-adic $L$-function. ### Related Formulas 1. **Definition of Euler Characteristics**: \[ \chi(G, M) := \prod_{i \geq 0} |H^i(G, M)|^{(-1)^i} \] 2. **Formula in the Main Theorem**: \[ \frac{\chi(G, \text{Sel}_A(K)_p)}{\chi^{(2)}(G, \text{Sel}_A(K)_p)} = \frac{\chi(G, A(K)[p^\infty])}{\chi^{(3)}(G, A(K)[p^\infty])} \cdot \frac{|X(A/F)[p^\infty]||NS(\psi_K)|}{|A^t(F)[p^\infty]||A(F)[p^\infty]|} \cdot \prod_{v \in S, v \text{ inert}} p^{\nu_v} \cdot \prod_{v \in S, v \text{ ram.}} \frac{|H^1(G_v, A(K_w))[p^\infty]|}{|H^2(G_v, A(K_w))[p^\infty]|} \] Here, $X(A/F)$ is the Tate - Shafarevich group, $NS(\psi_K)$ measures the non - surjectivity of $\psi_K$, and $p^{\nu_v}$ is the $p$-part order of the connected components of the closed fiber of the Néron model. Hope this summary can help you understand the research objectives and main results of this paper. If you...