Renormalization group crossover in the critical dynamics of field theories with mode coupling terms
Andrea Cavagna,Luca Di Carlo,Irene Giardina,Luca Grandinetti,Tomas S. Grigera,Giulia Pisegna
Abstract:Motivated by the collective behaviour of biological swarms, we study the critical dynamics of field theories with coupling between order parameter and conjugate momentum in the presence of dissipation. By performing a dynamical renormalization group calculation at one loop, we show that the violation of momentum conservation generates a crossover between a conservative yet IR-unstable fixed point, characterized by a dynamic critical exponent $z=d/2$, and a dissipative IR-stable fixed point with $z=2$. Interestingly, the two fixed points have different upper critical dimensions. The interplay between these two fixed points gives rise to a crossover in the critical dynamics of the system, characterized by a crossover exponent $\kappa=4/d$. Such crossover is regulated by a conservation length scale, $\mathcal R_0$, which is larger the smaller the dissipation: beyond $\mathcal R_0$ the dissipative fixed point dominates, while at shorter distances dynamics is ruled by the conservative fixed point and critical exponent, a behaviour which is all the more relevant in finite-size systems with weak dissipation. We run numerical simulations in three dimensions and find a crossover between the exponents $z=3/2$ and $z=2$ in the critical slowing down of the system, confirming the renormalization group results. From the biophysical point of view, our calculation indicates that in finite-size biological groups mode-coupling terms in the equation of motion can significantly change the dynamical critical exponents even in the presence of dissipation, a step towards reconciling theory with experiments in natural swarms. Moreover, our result provides the scale within which fully conservative Bose-Einstein condensation is a good approximation in systems with weak symmetry-breaking terms violating number conservation, as quantum magnets or photon gases.
Statistical Mechanics,Biological Physics,Quantitative Methods