Nonlinear Geometric Optics Based Multiscale Stochastic Galerkin Methods for Highly Oscillatory Transport Equations with Random Inputs
Nicolas Crouseilles,Shi Jin,Mohammed Lemou,Liu
Abstract:We develop generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) based stochastic Galerkin (SG) methods for a class of highly oscillatory transport equations that arise in semiclassical modeling of non-adiabatic quantum dynamics. These models contain uncertainties, particularly in coefficients that correspond to the potentials of the molecular system. We first focus on a highly oscillatory scalar model with random uncertainty. Our method is built upon the nonlinear geometrical optics (NGO) based method, developed in Crouseilleset al.[Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.23(2017) 2031-2070] for numerical approximations of deterministic equations, which can obtain accurate pointwise solution even without numerically resolving spatially and temporally the oscillations. With the random uncertainty, we show that such a method has oscillatory higher order derivatives in the random space, thus requires a frequency dependent discretization in the random space. We modify this method by introducing a new "time" variable based on the phase, which is shown to be non-oscillatory in the random space, based on which we develop a gPC-SG method that can capture oscillations with the frequency-independent time step, mesh size as well as the degree of polynomial chaos. A similar approach is then extended to a semiclassical surface hopping model system with a similar numerical conclusion. Various numerical examples attest that these methods indeed capture accurately the solution statisticspointwiselyeven though none of the numerical parameters resolve the high frequencies of the solution.