The NOMAD experiment at the CERN SPS

J Altegoer, M Anfreville, Carlo Angelini, P Astier, M Authier, D Autiero, Alberto Baldisseri, M Baldo-Ceolin, Giuseppe Ballocchi, M Banner, S Basa, G Bassompierre, K Benslama, I Bird, B Blumenfeld, F Bobisut, J Bouchez, S Bunyatov, S Boyd, A Bueno, L Camilleri, A Cardini, A Castera, PW Cattaneo, Vincenzo Cavasinni, V Cavestro, O Cloue, G Conforto, C Conta, R Cousins, A De Santo, T Del Prete, L Di Lella, T Dignan, E do Couto e Silva, IJ Donnelly, J Dumarchez, L Dumps, C Engster, T Fazio, GJ Feldman, R Ferrari, D Ferrere, V Flaminio, M Fraternali, G Fumagalli, JM Gaillard, P Galumian, E Gangler, A Geiser, D Geppert, D Gibin, S Gninenko, JJ Gomez-Cadenas, J Gosset, C Gößling, M Gouanere, A Grant, G Graziani, A Guglielmi, C Hagner, J Hernando, D Hubbard, P Hurst, W Huta, N Hyett, Enrico Iacopini, C Joseph, M Kirsanov, Dalibor Kekez, B Khomenko, O Klimov, A Kovzelev, V Kuznetsov, A Lanza, L La Rotonda, M Laveder, C Lazzeroni, A Letessier-Selvon, JM Levy, L Linssen, Ante Ljubičić, J Long, A Lupi, E Manola-Poggioli, A Marchionni, Filippo Martelli, JP Mendiburu, JP Meyer, M Mezzetto, SR Mishra, GF Moorhead, L Mossuz, P Nedelec, Yu Nefedov, C Nguyen-Mau, D Orestano, JP Passerieux, F Pastore, LS Peak, E Pennacchio, JP Perroud, H Pessard, R Petti, P Petitpas, A Placci, H Plothow-Besch, A Pluquet, J Poinsignon, G Polesello, D Pollmann, BG Pope, B Popov, C Poulsen, P Rathouit, G Renzoni, CHIARA Roda, A Rubbia, F Salvatore, K Shahmanèche, B Schmidt, A Sconza, M Serrano, ME Sevior, D Sillou, C Sobczynski, FJP Soler, G Sozzi, D Steele, M Steininger, M Stipčević, T Stolarczyk, GN Taylor, S Tereshchenko, A Toropin, A-M Touchard, S &Ngrave Tovey, MT Tran, E Tsesmelis, J Ulrichs, V Uros, M Valdata-Nappi, V Valuev, F Vannucci, KE Varvell, Michele Veltri, V Vercesi, D Verkindt, JM Vieira, MK Vo
Abstract:The NOMAD experiment is a short base-line search for νμ − ντ oscillations in the CERN neutrino beam. The ντ's are searched for through their charged current interactions followed by the observation of the resulting τ− through its electronic, muonic or hadronic decays. These decays are recognized using kinematical criteria necessitating the use of a light target which enables the reconstruction of individual particles produced in the neutrino interactions. This paper describes the various components of the NOMAD detector: the target and muon drift chambers, the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters, the preshower and transition radiation detectors and the veto and trigger scintillation counters. The beam and data acquisition system are also described. The quality of the reconstruction and individual particles is demonstrated through the ability of NOMAD to observe Ks0's, Λ0's and π0's. Finally, the observation …
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