Connecting Asteroids and Meteorites with visible and near-infrared spectroscopy
Francesca E. DeMeo,Brian J. Burt,Michaël Marsset,David Polishook,Thomas H. Burbine,Benoît Carry,Richard P. Binzel,Pierre Vernazza,Vishnu Reddy,Michelle Tang,Cristina A. Thomas,Andrew S. Rivkin,Nicholas A. Moskovitz,Stephen M. Slivan,Schelte J. Bus
Abstract:We identify spectral similarities between asteroids and meteorites. We identify spectral matches between 500 asteroid spectra and over 1,000 samples of RELAB meteorite spectra over 0.45-2.5 microns. We reproduce many major and previously known meteorite-asteroid connections and find possible new, more rare or less-established connections. Well-established connections include: ordinary chondrites (OC) with S-complex asteroids; pristine CM carbonaceous chondrites with Ch-type asteroids and heated CMs with C-type asteroids; HED meteorites with V-types; enstatite chondrites with Xc-type asteroids; CV meteorites with K-type asteroids; Brachinites, Pallasites and R chondrites with olivine-dominated A-type asteroids.
We find a trend from Q, Sq, S, Sr to Sv correlates with LL to H, with Q-types matching predominately to L and LL ordinary chondrites, and Sr and Sv matching predominantly with L and H ordinary chondrites. Ordinary chondrite samples that match to the X-complex, all measurements of slabs and many labeled as dark or black (shocked) OCs. We find carbonaceous chondrite samples having spectral slopes large enough to match D-type asteroid spectra.
In many cases the asteroid type to meteorite type links are not unique. While there are well established matches between an asteroid class and meteorite class, there are less common but still spectrally compatible matches between many asteroid types and meteorite types. This result emphasizes the diversity of asteroid and meteorite compositions and highlights the degeneracy of classification by spectral features alone. Recent and upcoming spacecraft missions will shed light on the compositions of many of the asteroid classes, particularly those without diagnostic features, (C-, B-, X-, and D-types), with measurements of Ceres, Ryugu, Bennu, Psyche, and C-, P-, and D-types as part of the Lucy mission.
Earth and Planetary Astrophysics,Geophysics