Pion-mass Dependence of the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in the $^3S_1$-$^3D_1$ Coupled Channel
Qian-Qian Bai,Chun-Xuan Wang,Yang Xiao,Li-Sheng Geng
Abstract:In this work, we explore the predictive power of the recently proposed covariant chiral nuclear force. In particular, we focus on the $^3S_1$-$^3D_1$ coupled channel and show that it is capable to predict the $^3D_1$ phase shifts and mixing angle $\varepsilon_1$ by fitting to the $^3S_1$ phase shifts, or predict the $^3S_1$ phase shifts by fitting to the $^3D_1$ phase shifts and mixing angle $\varepsilon_1$. For the physical nucleon-nucleon phase shifts, one can achieve a reasonably good description up to $T_\mathrm{lab.}\approx 100$ MeV. Qualitative descriptions can be achieved up to even higher energies. On the other hand, for the lattice QCD nucleon-nucleon phase shfits obtained with $M_\pi=469$ MeV, the energy range for which a decent description can be achieved is much reduced, to only $T_\mathrm{lab.}\approx 10$ MeV. In addition, we show that with one more low energy constant, particularly, one for the mixing angle, the next-to-leading order heavy baryon chiral nuclear force can describe the lattice QCD data up to $T_\mathrm{lab.}\approx 40$ MeV, but the description of the physical nucleon-nucleon phase shifts is of similar quality to the leading order covariant chiral nuclear force. The present study is relevant to a better understanding of the lattice QCD nucleon-nucleon force or more general baryon-baryon interactions.